All posts by LoganPark

Looking for ways to get involved in Logan Park? Support students at your local school!

Experience life-changing growth while supporting your local school. Become a Minnesota Reading Corps or Minnesota Math Corps tutor and be a hero to students who struggle with reading or math. Whether you want to explore a career in education, re-enter the workforce, or give back to your community, you can make a difference as a tutor. Last year, Minnesota Reading Corps and Minnesota Math Corps tutors helped more than 35,000 children in more than 900 schools across the state. Near Logan Park, PreK and Elementary Literacy tutors are needed at the following schools for the 2016-17 school year:

  • Minnesota Transitions Charter Elementary
  • PICA Northeast-Neighborhood Early Learning Center
  • Sheridan Arts Magnet
  • Webster Elementary


As a tutor, you’ll see a student’s progress as they gain new skills and as they light up with confidence and the satisfaction of knowing they can do it. No child wants to stand out because they can’t learn as quickly as their classmates. We’re helping more kids catch up and soar on their own. And you can be part of it.


Tutors receive extensive training and support from onsite coaches. Tutors are paid a living allowance, given federal student loan forbearance, and are eligible for an education award of up to $5,775 at the end of their service. Tutors 55 or older may gift the award to their child or grandchild. Full- and part-time positions are available.


Here’s what a few tutors love about serving:

  • “I give the children in our community the individualized attention they need to thrive in school. This is awesome work that makes Minnesota mighty!” – Sarah W., children’s book author and former PreK teacher
  • “I absolutely love what I do! I get to come to school each day and see the kiddos I work with succeed.” – Andrea M., stay-at-home parent


Learn how you can get involved by visiting or You can also help by telling a friend or family member about openings in our community and statewide! Positions start in August for the 2016-17 school year. Send questions to or call 866-859-2825.

MPRB’s Annual Fourth of July Celebration Red, White and Boom

Celebrate the Fourth of July during Minneapolis Red, White and Boom, a two-day celebration hosted by the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board. The event, held along the downtown Minneapolis Riverfront, features live music, great food, fun activities for the whole family, and the grand finale – fireworks!

On Monday, July 4, Father Hennepin Bluff Park will offer FREE family activities in the Family Fun Zone, 6–9:30 pm including balloon twisters, caricature artists, and hair and face painting. Bands performing this year are as follows:

Father Hennepin Bluff Park

6–7:30 pm Matthew Hannah

8-10 pm Funktion Junction

Mill Ruins Park

6–7:30 pm Plaid Brixx

8–10 pm Dylan Jakobsen

Boom Island Park

8:30–9:45 pm Minnesota Orchestra (NEW this year!)

The Red, White and Boom Celebration closes with a spectacular fireworks display along the Riverfront at 10 pm. For more information please go to

Pre-Fourth of July Celebration

Sunday, July 3 | 7 pm | Nicollet Island

Enjoy free live music starting at 7 pm courtesy of Kerns and the Hemispheres, followed by the outdoor classic film “Field of Dreams.” Movie starts at dusk and food trucks will be on site for food purchases.

Absentee voting for primary begins, new downtown location


Early voting is now open for the primary election in a new location downtown, the Early Vote Center at 217 S. Third St. In-person absentee voting is no longer at City Hall. The new site allows more privacy and easier access for voters than the City Hall Rotunda did.

Early in-person voting is convenient. It especially helps voters who need special accommodations, such as language support, that the extra time, attention and onsite resources of early in-person voting afford more readily than the polls might on Election Day.

Standard hours throughout the absentee voting period are 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m. MondayFriday. During the final two weeks before each election, these hours will be extended and include weekend times. These hours will be posted on the website ( once they have been set.

People can vote early (by absentee ballot) by mail or in person.

For reasonable accommodations or alternative formats please contact Elections at and Voter Services at 612-673-3870 or People who are deaf or hard of hearing can use a relay service to call 311 at 612-673-3000. TTY users can call 612-673-2157 or 612-673-2626.

Para asistencia 612-673-2700

Rau kev pab 612-673-2800,

Hadii aad Caawimaad u baahantahay 612-673-3500.

Neighborhood and Community Relations Department

David Rubedor, Director
Crown Roller Mill, Room 425
105 5th Avenue South
Minneapolis, MN 55401
(612) 673-3737

Save the Date: July 13 Community Conversation About Shoreham Yards

Kevin Reich

Ward One Update

City Council Member Kevin Reich

350 S. 5th Street, Room 307, Minneapolis, MN 55415
(612) 673-2201 ·

You’re invited to…

A community conversation about Shoreham Yards and an activity center concept that features a velodrome, retail and multi-purpose space. This meeting is co-hosted by Columbia Park Neighborhood Association and Shoreham Area Advisory Committee.


Wednesday, July 13, 6:30 p.m.

Columbia Manor, 3300 Central Avenue NE

Minneapolis offers free home energy efficiency visits, no-interest financing for recommended upgrades

The City of Minneapolis is offering free home visits from energy-saving experts to income-qualified Minneapolis residents including renters. Join more than 9,000 households that have already benefited from the program. Home Energy Squad visits bring energy efficiency experts to participants’ homes to install energy-saving materials and make recommendations on energy-saving upgrades. Minneapolis households over the income limit for the free visits can still receive the visit for $70.

At the home visit a team of energy consultants will:

  • Install energy-saving materials such as door weatherstripping, a water heater blanket, compact fluorescent lightbulbs, a programmable thermostat, and high-efficiency showerheads and faucet aerators.
  • Test for air leaks.
  • Inspect attic and wall insulation using an infrared camera.
  • Recommend energy upgrades based on the test results.
  • Check heating systems and water heaters for safety.
  • Provide a quote for insulation and/or air sealing and the opportunity to connect with a qualified contractor if applicable.

Free visits and no-interest financing

The City of Minneapolis offers free visits to qualified households with an income less than $48,100 for one person, $54,950 for two people, $61,850 for three people, or up to $90,650 for eight people. If the Home Energy Squad recommends insulation or air sealing, income-qualified residents also have special access to zero percent financing to complete that work. Homeowners can call 612-335-5874 to confirm eligibility and schedule a visit. Funds are limited.

Home Energy Squad is provided by CenterPoint Energy and Xcel Energy in partnership with the City of Minneapolis and delivered by the Center for Energy and Environment (CEE), a Minneapolis nonprofit.

To schedule a Home Energy Squad visit, call 612-335-5874 or visit

Time to Talk Transportation on Thursday, June 9

Car-Free and Car-Light Living:

Transportation Options in the Urban Environment

Could you live without a car? Would you live without a car? Or downsize from two to one? Significant investment has been made in the past decade in multi-modal transportation options, from light rail and high-frequency bus service to bicycle infrastructure and car- and bicycle-share programs like Nice Ride, Car2Go, HOURCAR and others, all of which make car-free and/or car-light lifestyles more viable in Minneapolis.

Join Council Member Reich and your friends and neighbors on Thursday, June 9, 6:30 p.m. at Northeast Library, 2200 Central Avenue NE for a discussion about our City’s changing transportation landscape. Guest panelists will include Gene Tierney, founder of the non-profit organization CarFreeLife; Metro Transit planner Kyle Burrows; Nice Ride executive director Bill Dossett; and Center for Energy & Environment president Chris Duffrin.

For questions or further information, contact Lisa Brock at or 612-673-2201.

Minneapolis Edges out Saint Paul as Nation’s Best Park System, According to The Trust for Public Land’s 2016 ParkScore® Index


number one park system in america graphic
Minneapolis – Minneapolis is the nation’s best park system, narrowly besting cross-town twin Saint Paul, according to The Trust for Public Land’s 2016 ParkScore Index, which was released today by the nonprofit organization. Saint Paul ranked second in the analysis of the 100 largest cities in the United States. Last year, the cities tied for first.
ParkScores are based on three factors: Park Access, which measures the percentage of residents living within a 10-minute walk of a park (approximately ½-mile); Park Size, which is based on a city’s median park size and the percentage of total city area dedicated to parks; and Facilities and Investment, which combines park spending per resident with the availability of four popular park amenities: basketball hoops, off-leash dog parks, playgrounds, and recreation & senior centers.


“Every American deserves to live within a 10-minute walk of a park, and ParkScore helps us measure which cities are meeting that mark,” said Will Rogers, President of the Trust for Public Land.


“We’re honored by the top ranking, but not resting on our laurels. We are working continuously to improve our parks, with a focus on the most racially diverse and economically challenged areas of the city. During the last five years, we have invested significantly in parks throughout the city but especially in north and upper south Minneapolis with new community centers, athletic fields and the first natural swimming pool in North America. With the support of the city and the citizens of Minneapolis, we recently approved a monumental funding plan that will provide an additional $11 million annually into our neighborhood parks,” said Jayne Miller, Superintendent of the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board.  Read the full news release on our website.


Tim Ahern
Trust for Public Land
Dawn Sommers
Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board

Wading Pools Opening Soon

Five wading pools, in the following Northeast locations, will open this weekend (Saturday, May 28) and close September 5: Logan, Beltrami, Audubon, Dickman and Marshall Terrace.

The pools in Bottineau and Windom Park will open June 11.and close August 28th.

Ward 1 Update: MN Dot Open House Thursday, May 26

The Minnesota Department of Transportation (MN DOT) is presenting information about upcoming intersection signal and sidewalk ramp improvements on Highway 47/University Avenue and Highway 65/Central Avenue in northeast Minneapolis at an open house scheduled for May 26.

The informal open house will be held Thursday, May 26, from 5 – 7 p.m. at Logan Park Recreation Center, 690 13th Ave. NE, in Minneapolis.

The proposed construction is scheduled for early July through November 2016. Work includes reconstructing the signal systems and sidewalk ramps to comply with ADA requirements at six intersections on University Avenue and Central Avenue:

  • University Avenue and 3rd Avenue Northeast
  • University Avenue and 5th Avenue Northeast
  • University Avenue and 8th Avenue Northeast
  • Central Avenue and 24th Avenue Northeast
  • Central Avenue and 29th Avenue Northeast
  • Central Avenue and 35th Avenue Northeast

These projects will improve accessibility for pedestrians along University and Central avenues. Open house attendees will have the opportunity to learn about the overall project and get details about specific project elements. Representatives from the Minnesota Department of Transportation, city of Minneapolis and project staff will be on hand to answer questions.

For more information, please visit To request an ASL or foreign language interpreter, call 651-366-4720. To request other reasonable accommodations, call 651-366-4718; the Minnesota Relay service toll-free at 1-800-627-3529) TTY, Voice or ASCII) or 711, or email your request

Minneapolis TV 79

Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board passes 20 Year Neighborhood Park Plan

Partnership between MPRB, City of Minneapolis will revitalize neighborhood parks over 20 years

At its May 18, 2016 meeting, the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board (MRPB) of Commissioners approved the 20 Year Neighborhood Park Plan ordinance, which ensures an additional $11 million in annual funding to the MPRB to revitalize Minneapolis’ renowned network of neighborhood parks.

The MPRB worked closely with the City of Minneapolis to pass concurrent ordinances ensuring the essential long-term investment in neighborhood parks. The City’s ordinance, which passed on April 29, also included provisions to increase funding to repair city streets.

Next, another MPRB ordinance will be introduced in June to ensure the new investments in neighborhood parks will be done equitably. On April 20 MPRB staff presented criteria and a proposed rehabilitation and capital investment implementation plan for the first five outlining this racial and economic equity plan. The April 20 presentation materials, which are available at, included the following key documents:

As with all of its current park projects, community engagement and input will be critical when making future park improvements.

In addition to the capital improvements, the 20 Year Neighborhood Park Plan includes annual funding for increased rehabilitation and maintenance of neighborhood parks throughout the city.  System-wide rehabilitation will focus on ADA improvements, building repairs, roof and sidewalks, park lighting, HVAC systems, below-grade infrastructure and maintenance facilities, with repairs at multiple sites throughout the city every season.  System-wide maintenance focuses on improving the service levels of mowing, tree pruning, roof inspections, seasonal plumbing start up and shut down, and maintenance of playgrounds, buildings, sidewalks, parking lots, gardens and natural areas.

The MPRB believes addressing the need for dedicated, increased neighborhood parks funding is critical to addressing racial equity across Minneapolis.

Johnson Street bridge over I-35W in Minneapolis set for repairs beginning May 16



Update: schedule change

Johnson Street bridge over I-35W in Minneapolis set for repairs beginning May 16
Three other I-35W bridges scheduled for repairs through July 2016

ROSEVILLE, Minn. – Motorists traveling on Johnson Street in northeast Minneapolis will encounter a directional lane closure at Interstate 35W beginning Monday, May 16, weather permitting.

Southbound Johnson Street between Broadway Street and 14th Avenue will close May 16 at 1 a.m. through late June. When work is finished on the southbound side of the bridge, crews will then close northbound Johnson Street through late July.

Motorists will be detoured around the closures via Broadway Street, Central Avenue and Lowry Avenue.

Three additional I-35W bridges are schedule for repairs through the end of July, weather permitting:

  • Broadway Street
    Westbound Broadway Street between Johnson Street and Lincoln Street will close Tuesday, May 17 through late June. Crews will then close eastbound Broadway Street between Buchanan Street and Johnson Street in late June through late July.

Motorists will be detoured around the closure via Central Avenue, Hennepin Avenue and Johnson Street.

  • Hennepin Avenue
    Eastbound Hennepin Avenue between 10th Avenue and Johnson Street will close Wednesday, May 18 through late June.

Eastbound motorists will be detoured around the closure via northbound Central Avenue, eastbound Broadway Street and Johnson Street.

Crews will then close westbound Hennepin Avenue at Johnson Street when the eastbound side of the bridge opens in late June. Westbound Hennepin Avenue will remain closed through late July.

Westbound motorists will be detoured around the closure via northbound Johnson St. and westbound Broadway Street to Central Avenue.

  • Summer Street pedestrian bridge
    The Summer Street pedestrian bridge will close May 18 through June 6. Bicyclists and pedestrians will be detoured around the closure via Broadway Street.

Motorists also can expect off-peak lane closures on I-35W from 8th Street SE to New Brighton Boulevard.

This project will extend the lifespan of the four bridges and improve accessibility for pedestrians when competed.

For more information, please visit

Upper Harbor Terminal Open House scheduled May 24

Get informed and share opinions on an epic opportunity to redevelop 48 acres of riverfront

The Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board and City of Minneapolis are hosting an open house on May 24 for Minneapolis residents to learn more about the Upper Harbor Terminal site and provide input on its upcoming redevelopment. The public meeting will be held 6-8 pm at the Minneapolis Urban League (2100 Plymouth Ave. N) in the Laura Scott Williams Room.

Short presentations are scheduled at 6:15 pm and 7 pm. Families are encouraged to attend and light refreshments will be served. Staff members fluent in Somali and Spanish will be present to help with any translation needs. Please request other languages

The Upper Harbor Terminal closed in 2014 after decades as an industrial shipping yard. Now the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board and City of Minneapolis are working collaboratively to redevelop the 48-acre site along the North Minneapolis riverfront. Please join us on May 24!

Public Meeting

Date: May 24, 2016

Time: 6-8 pm

Location: Minneapolis Urban League – Laura Scott Williams Room

Address: 2100 Plymouth Ave. N

Topic: Informal open house to learn more about the Upper Harbor Terminal site

Repair work on Johnson Street bridge over I-35W in Minneapolis begins May 16

Three other I-35W bridges scheduled for repairs through July 2016

Traffic on Johnson Street in northeast Minneapolis will encounter directional lane closures at Interstate 35W beginning Monday, May 16 (weather permitting).

According to a release from MnDOT, northbound Johnson Street between Broadway Avenue and 14th Street will close May 16 at 1 a.m. through late June. When this phase of construction is complete, crews will then close southbound Johnson Street through late July.

Motorists will be detoured around the closures via Broadway Street, Central Avenue and Lowry Avenue.

Three additional I-35W bridges are schedule for repairs through the end of July, weather permitting:

Broadway Street

Westbound Broadway Street between Johnson Street and Lincoln Street will close Tuesday, May 17 through late June.Crews will then close eastbound Broadway Street between Buchanan Street and Johnson Street in late June through late July.

Motorists will be detoured around the closure via Central Avenue, Hennepin Avenue and Johnson Street.

Hennepin Avenue

Eastbound Hennepin Avenue between 10th Avenue and Johnson Street will close Wednesday, May 18 through late June.

Eastbound motorists will be detoured around the closure via northbound Buchanan Street, eastbound Broadway Street and Johnson Street; or, northbound Central Avenue, eastbound Broadway Street and Johnson Street.

Crews will then close westbound Hennepin Avenue at Johnson Street when the eastbound side of the bridge opens in late June. Westbound Hennepin Avenue will remain closed through late July. 

Westbound motorists will be detoured around the closure via northbound Johnson St. and westbound Broadway Street to Central Avenue.

Summer Street pedestrian bridge

The Summer Street pedestrian bridge will close May 18 through June 6. Bicyclists and pedestrians will be detoured around the closure via Broadway Street.  

Motorists also can expect off-peak lane closures on I-35W from 8th Street SE to New Brighton Boulevard.

This project will extend the lifespan of the four bridges and improve accessibility for pedestrians when competed.

For more information, please visit

2016 Jeff Robinson/Minnesota Vikings Youth Skills Development Camp: June 7-10

jeff robinson football camp

Registration now open for free camp

The Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board (MPRB), USA Football and the Minnesota Vikings are proud to announce the 16th annual Jeff Robinson/Minnesota Vikings Youth Skills Development Camp.

The four-day camp will run from June 7–10 at Parade Stadium (400 Kenwood Parkway, Minneapolis). Admission to the development camp is FREE. Registration is now open and closes June 3 at 5 pm. Space is limited.

Note: MPRB is aware that June 7 is the last day of Minneapolis Public Schools. However, facility availability and volunteer schedules required the camp to begin June 7, and dates were selected before school calendars were available. Missing a day of camp will not impact a player’s successful camp experience.

About the Camp

Participants will work on throwing, catching, footwork, tackling and 7-on-7 drills. Registered participants will receive one free T-shirt and free breakfast and lunch. Parking is available at a pay lot between the Parade baseball field and football fields. 

Session 1

Ages: 8–13

Time: 8:30–10:30 am

Session 2

Ages: 14–18

Time: 10:30 am–12:30 pm

free lunch at football camp



For Registration Questions:

Scott Gagnon

Minneapolis Park & Recreation Board

Phone: 612-230-6487

Concept for new Logan Park wading pool approved

Reconstruction of the 45-year-old wading pool begins this fall, new pool opens summer 2017

At its May 4 meeting, the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board (MPRB) of Commissioners approved a plan to rebuild the Logan Park wading pool. The pool will be converted from its current circular design featuring a uniform 24-inch depth to a rectangular design featuring a sloping, zero-depth entry that gradually increases to a 24-inch depth. 

A new mechanical building will be built next to the pool to prevent required pool infrastructure upgrades from harming the large elm tree between the pool and recreation center. The MPRB would like to thank the Logan Park Neighborhood Association for generously allocating $25,000 in Neighborhood Revitalization funds to add new water play features to the concept design.

A shade structure and additional benches may be added, depending on construction bids and additional fundraising efforts. The ornamental fence around the pool will be repainted and installed around the new pool with a new gate and posts.

The 45-year-old wading pool will remain open this summer for its final season. Construction will begin this fall, finish up next spring and the new wading pool is expected to open by summer 2017.


Deborah Bartels

Minneapolis Park & Recreation Board

Phone: 612-230-6438


Logan Park hosts 2016 Minneapolis Arbor Day Celebration

Arbor Day banner

Help plant 130 new trees in Logan Park!

Arbor Day 1

Event features free food for kids, beer garden, food trucks and much more

Join the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board (MPRB), Northeast Minneapolis neighbors and tree lovers of all ages at the 2016 Minneapolis Arbor Day Celebration at Logan Park on Friday, April 29, 4-8 pm. This spectacular celebration of trees offers something fun for the whole family and the opportunity to help plant more than 130 new trees at Logan Park.

The party starts at 4 pm with landscape-scale yard games like giant checkers using tree cookies, tree-sized ladder golf and giant Kubb, bucket truck rides and rope-and-saddle tree climbing supervised by professional arborists. For kids, there will be a tree-themed nature play zone, bounce house and free dinner sponsored by Minneapolis Public Schools from 4 pm to 6 pm (people aged 18 and under while supplies last).

Arborists will lead waves of tree planting excursions throughout the park beginning at every half hour interval between 4:30 pm and 6:30 pm. Family-friendly kickball games and a free concert by Your Community Band begin at 5 pm, and a special tree planting ceremony is scheduled for6 pm. The MPRB Forestry Department will leave a large pile of free woodchips at the park for the public to take home and use in their yards and gardens.

The MPRB is also partnering with Brewing a Better Forest to offer a beer garden featuring local breweries 612 Brew, Fair State, Dangerous Man and Sociable Cider Werks, and coffee from Matchbox Coffee Shop. The Bacon-Me-Crazy and Simply Steve’s food trucks will be cooking up and selling delicious treats along 13th Avenue beginning at 4 pm.

read more button

Logan Park

Arbor Day At-A-Glance

When: Friday, April 29, 4-8 pm

Where: Logan Park, 690 13th Ave. NE

Activities: Kickball, tree planting, bucket truck rides, bounce house, tree climbing, yard games, nature play zone, free woodchips, Adopt-A-Tree program through Brewing a Better Forest

Music: Your Community Band, a large brass marching ensemble borne out of Powderhorn’s infamous May Day Parade, will perform beginning at 5 pm

Food/Drink: Food trucks, free healthy dinners for kids under 18 provided by Minneapolis Public Schools, beer garden featuring local craft breweries and coffee

Volunteer: Volunteers are needed to help run the many activities planned. Please to sign up for a 90-minute shift!

Fun Fact: The 45th parallel, which marks the exact halfway point between the Equator and the North Pole, runs directly through Logan Park.

You’re Invited: Water Bar & Public Studio Open HouseThursday, May 5!

You’re Invited: Water Bar & Public Studio Open HouseThursday, May 5!
Water Bar & Public Studio, Northeast’s new community space at 2516 Central Avenue NE, will be hosting Neighborhood Night on Thursday, May 5, 5 – 7 p.m. Come visit with your neighbors, learn about the Water Bar & Public Studio’s focus on art and sustainability, and sample some local waters on tap served by artists and other community leaders, while enjoying local brews, snacks and activities. This event is free and open to all! For more information, visit
This open house is co-hosted by Council Member Kevin Reich and Holland Neighborhood Improvement Association (HNIA).

Street Sweeping Begins Wed, April 13

Spring comprehensive street sweeping will start Wednesday, April 13, 2016.  The Street Sweeping Schedule Lookup is updated to reflect the 2016 spring sweep.  Vehicles parked in violation of signs are subject to a ticket and tow.  Thanks for your cooperation.

Each spring and fall, Public Works crews sweep every mile of the City’s more than 1,100 miles of streets – curb to curb – to help keep our neighborhoods clean and livable and to protect our waterways. Each spring, crews also sweep the nearly 400 miles of alleys as well. Leaves and other debris on the streets can clog storm drains and pollute our lakes and rivers.

Street sweeping usually takes about four weeks to complete.

“No Parking signs” – City crews will post “No Parking” signs at least 24 hours before sweeping any streets. Parking will be banned from 7 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. on the day a street is swept. Vehicles not removed will be towed to the Minneapolis Impound Lot.
Use the Street Sweeping Schedule Lookup. The schedule is updated frequently during the sweep to reflect the actual progress of street sweeping.
Phone calls to residents – During the spring and fall sweeps, in addition to the “No Parking” signs that will be posted the day before sweepers come through, the City will make about 3,500 automated phone calls each evening to let residents know their street will be swept the next day. Listed, residential telephone numbers will be called.
Videos – Street sweeping is explained in English, Hmong, Somali and Spanish as part of the City’s  “Did you know…” series of short videos that can be viewed at and on City cable channels 14 and 79.  Residents who have friends or neighbors who speak these languages are encouraged to share links to the videos.  English:  See how and why Minneapolis sweeps streets and what you can do to help keep streets and waterways clean in this video from the Minneapolis “Did you know…” series.
Spanish:  Vea en este video de las series “Sabia Usted” como y porque Minneapolis barre las calles y limpia las vias fluviales.
Somali:  Ka daawo fiidyowga taxanaha… ee Minneapolis ee loo yaqaan “Ma Ogtahay” siyaabaha iyo sababaha minneapolis jidadka ay u xaaqido oo ogow sidii aad uga caawin lahayd ilaalinta nadaafada jidadka iyo biyo mareenada.
Hmong:  Yog xav paub ntxiv, sais nroog Minneapolis cov tshooj xov xwm hu, “Koj pos paub.”

Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board to unveil criteria and proposed implementation plan for anticipated increased funding for neighborhood parks


On April 20 Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board (MPRB) staff will present criteria and a proposed rehabilitation and capital investment implementation plan for the first five years to ensure, if additional funding becomes available for neighborhood parks, investments will be made equitably within the neighborhood park system. The presentation will be made during the April 20 Board meeting, which begins at 5 pm at MPRB Headquarters, 2117 West River Road, Minneapolis.

Specific, quantifiable criteria will be used to determine where future rehabilitation and capital project funding is allocated throughout Minneapolis’ neighborhood park system. The criteria fall in two categories: community characteristics and park characteristics. Community characteristics include neighborhood demographic data such as identified racially concentrated areas of poverty, population density, youth population and crime statistics. Park characteristics include park asset data like asset condition, asset lifespan and proportionality of investment (the amount of capital funding spent to date on a neighborhood park’s assets in proportion to the total value of the funding originally invested to create the assets in that park).

The proposed implementation plan will specify the first five years of recommended rehabilitation and capital projects if additional neighborhood park funding becomes available.  During the April 20 presentation, MPRB staff will share results of park ratings, based on the criteria that were developed with feedback from representatives of organizations whose work is focused on racial equity.