Logan Park Priorities Plan

Logan Park Neighborhood Association Priorities Plan  

  • Draft approved by the LPNA priorities committee 02/05/2019
  • Draft passed by the LPNA board 02/06/2019
  • Minor updates 02/14/2019
  • Updated 3/1 to move sidewalks to Infrastructure and moved  re-seeding blvds to Environment in response to review by Bob Cooper at NCR
  • Approved by the LPNA community March 20, 2019
  • Updated Partnerships + Outreach language approved November 17th, 2019



The #1 priority from our neighborhood survey was Infrastructure. Specifically, we identified the need for pedestrian, street and park safety. We would like to see traffic calming, crosswalk safety and increased lighting in a few specific areas. Being at the heart of the Arts District, we propose to combine these needed infrastructure projects with an artistic touch to create and celebrate a unique sense of community. Projects and programs may include, but are not limited to:

  • Work with the city and railroad to install artistic a lighting/mural art project under train bridges to improve the pedestrian experience
  • Partner with our vibrant arts community to install murals and other artistic components that can help calm traffic and support place making goals.
  • Partner with the park board and arts community create an artistic lighting project in the park
  • Use a community event to install artful crosswalks and community pavement painting to improve pedestrian street safety
  • Leverage our Logan Legacy Taskforce to ensure the Quincy Street reconstruction includes our goals of safety, place making, and usability
  • Work with the city and the Broadway Street Taskforce to improve safety on Broadway
  • Work with city and residents to expand historic-style street lighting within the neighborhood to increase street and pedestrian safety.
  • Work with the city of Minneapolis to replace crumbling sidewalks


Logan Park is the hub of our neighborhood, used by all residents. Our goal is to ensure the success of our park and improve its usability. Projects and programs may include, but are not limited to:

  • Partner with local youth organizations to build a timber framed pavilion
  • Add additional shade structures to the new wading pool
  • Add an artistic and educational element to the park to mark the 45th parallel
  • Partner with MPRB staff to identify and fund park equipment and programs
  • Stay actively involved with the park redesign and the use of dedicated park funds


ENVIRONMENT             $15,000

Environmental issues were the second priority from our survey.  LPNA is dedicated to doing our part to protect our environment. Projects and programs may include, but are not limited to:

  • Increase pollinators by partnering with local groups to create a rooftop apiary
  • Reduce water pollution with a rain garden program and explore a boulevard reseeding program
  • Reduce energy consumption with our Home Energy Audit program
  • Investigate energy efficient options for lighting improvements
  • Install air quality monitors at various points around the neighborhood

HOUSING    $10,000 + Existing CEE funds    

Housing was the third priority from our survey. We have a home improvement revolving loan and grant program through CEE started with NRP funds. We will be reviewing the current activity and program status and consider moving funding from the Program Income to current proposals. Projects and programs may include, but are not limited to:

  • Improve neighborhood appearance with a grant program for front of home improvements
  • Review alternatives to our home loan and grant programs to find programs with best impact
  • Connect with home improvement and renters’ programs offered by the city and nonprofit organizations


(new language approved November 17th, 2019)

Logan Park Neighborhood Association (LPNA) will coordinate a number of community building and community service projects to provide opportunities for neighbors to gather together, learn skills, increase knowledge, and for LPNA will develop partnerships with local neighborhood resources and organizations to carry out these projects.

LPNA will support programs and projects aimed at (1) furthering the purposes of the Neighborhood Revitalization Program in the Logan Park neighborhood; (2) informing neighborhood residents and businesses of opportunities, experiences and resources available in the neighborhood, and (3) increasing and enhancing community engagement and participation in LPNA and volunteer activities in the neighborhood.

Projects and programs include:

  • Develop a new and unique Logan Park neighborhood event to broaden engagement and connections throughout the community.
  • Work with partners, including Elim Church volunteers to develop and carry out senior programs to help with lawn raking, shoveling and support for aging in place
  • Host a series of livability classes at the Park – covering a variety of topics, such as budgeting and financial planning, gardening and environmental stewardship, health and wellness, understanding local government, etc.
  • Partner with the NE Tool Library to host home improvement classes – possibly on a quarterly basis based on the level and diversity of residents’ interest
  • Promote Logan Park by welcoming new neighbors – through some combination of direct outreach, welcome packets, local business promotions, etc.

All proposals for NRP funding will include (i) the proposed NRP Statutory purpose to be achieved; (ii) a description of how the proposal will meet the NRP purpose; (iii) a proposed budget, including the number of people involved, hours to be worked, materials and supplies, other items for which NRP funds will be requested; and (iv) the final work product, report or other deliverable to show that the NRP purpose has been achieved.

LPNA will provide a summary of any proposed project or program to the City’s Development Finance Division (DFD). DFD will review the information to ensure that all proposed projects or programs are eligible for NRP funding. Final approval by LPNA for funding of any project or program will be contingent on approval by DFD.

The LPNA project manager/administrator will help organizational partners and volunteers develop and carry out successful projects – including assistance with communications, volunteer coordination, partnership development, grant-writing and a variety of additional logistical details.