Discuss Upper St. Anthony Falls Lock at “Transforming the Lock” Open House January 24

The Upper St. Anthony Falls Lock

The Upper St. Anthony Falls Lock closed to navigation in 2015. Now it’s used as a visitor center

Share ideas to improve Upper St. Anthony Falls Lock on Jan. 24, 6-8 pm at Mill City Museum

WHAT: Public Input Open House

WHEN: Tuesday, January 24th, 6-8 pm

WHERE: Mill City Museum, 704 S. 2nd Street, Mpls.

WHY The Upper St. Anthony Falls Lock in Minneapolis was closed to navigation in 2015. It now serves as a visitor center for the Mississippi National River and Recreation Area, the national park in the Twin Cities. Help identify ways to improve access to the lock, provide a rich visitor experience at the site, and connect the lock to the surrounding riverfront.

The Lock is located within the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board’s (MPRB) Central Mississippi Riverfront Regional Park and the MPRB encourages participation in the Jan. 24Open House.

Light refreshments provided. Please RSVP to Christine Goepfert at cgoepfert@npca.org or(612) 270-8564.

Hosted by the National Parks Conservation Association and MSR Design.