Equity Engagement

Update 1.29.24 The Equity Engagement Survey is closed. We will be compiling and presenting the results early this spring!

Updated 4.14.22 Take the Logan Park Equity Engagement Survey!

The Logan Park Neighborhood wants to hear from you! We are seeking feedback to host equitable and inclusive events and activities that better meet the needs of our neighbors. If you live or work in the Logan Park Neighborhood, please consider taking the survey!

Equity Engagement updated 1.10.22

In 2022, LPNA will begin executing a yearlong equitable engagement plan, including events and activities focused on connecting with community members within demographic groups of historically underrepresented and under-engaged people in the neighborhood. This plan is funded by the City of Minneapolis

The overarching goal is to create inclusive community connections that address issues of equitable engagement. The selected demographic categories include; renters, black, indigenous and people of color (BIPOC), non-English speakers, and people making less than the poverty level.

LPNA will begin their focus on engaging in community conversations and using that feedback to host inclusive activities and events primarily at the new Logan Park Pavilion. 

Beginning in January through March we are planning on reaching out to the following locations to collaborate in gathering information: 

  • Artspace Jackson Flats 
  • Holland High-Rise
  • Timber & Tie 
  • Christ Family Kingdom Center
  • Compassionate Ocean Zen Center
  • Antioch Community Church

Please email equity@loganparkneighborhood.org with any questions or if you’d like to volunteer.