Letter from Councilman Kevin Reich regarding Vikings Stadium

Ward One Update
City Council Member Kevin Reich
350 S. 5th Street, Room 307, Minneapolis, MN 55415
(612) 673-2201 · kevin.reich@minneapolismn.gov

Because there has been much speculation and some misrepresentation of the letter I sent to Governor Mark Dayton regarding the Metrodome Stadium funding proposal currently before the legislature, I am attaching a copy of the letter for you. In essence I outlined for the governor the City’s policy of supporting the Metrodome as a preferred location for a new stadium and my essential requirement that any funding plan adhere to the City charter. I made it clear that I view this issue as a budgetary matter. Therefore any acceptable plan cannot have a negative impact on our budget and ideally needs to positively support our ability to implement community development and deliver core municipal services. I hope you will review my letter and please always feel free to contact me.


Kevin Reich



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