Logan Park Ideas Form

Logan Park Neighborhood Association has $150,000+ of funding for neighborhood projects and we need your ideas! Fill out the form below with your project idea.  Forms should be submitted by October 1st, 2018.  Submissions will be published in our October newsletter.  The comment period will remain open through November 28th, and then discussed at our November 28th community meeting.  The board will review ideas for a possible vote in January.

In December 2017, LPNA sent out a survey to all homes in the neighborhood.  The survey asked people to rank their priorities.  Below are the results:

Logan Park Priorities, as ranked by Logan Park residents through a December 2017 survey:

  1. Infrastructure
  2. Environment
  3. Housing
  4. Park Improvements
  5. Arts
  6. Senior Issues

If you have multiple ideas, please fill out a form for each idea. You can fill out the form below,  email your proposal to loganparkna@aol.com. or mail to:

Logan Park Neighborhood Association
1330 Van Buren Street NE
Minneapolis MN, 55413

Logan Park Ideas Form

Please include all your contact information.