Wednesday November 20th, 2019 @ 7pm
7:00 Introductions
-Vote on October general meeting minutes
-Recognition of Debra Woodward & Steve Jacobson
7:15 US Census Updates- Lara Schueth, Hennepin County
7:30 Pauline Hoogmoed—COO Crave Catering Events, Quincy Hall
-Project plan details and liquor license application specifics, 10 min
-Q&A session, 10 min
-Community Comment Period & Discussion, 40 mins
Representatives from Crave Catering will join us at our November 20th Community Meeting to meet the neighborhood and answer questions.

Crave Catering has applied for a liquor license to operate an event center for private parties, capable of seating 800 people inside and 50 people on an outside patio. The original application lists hours from 8am—2am, though the Economic Development & Regulatory Services Committee has moved to change proposed hours of operation for events to close at 11:00 p.m. on weekdays and 12:00 Midnight on weekends, with direction to staff to work with the applicant to determine when traffic control/management may be required at this location.
The final council approval, originally scheduled for October 25th, has been delayed.
Childcare provided.