Construction starts this summer!
At its May 16 meeting, the The Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board (MPRB) approved the contract to replace the wading pool at Logan Park. Timing for the construction phase of this project allows the pool to be open for most of the summer: Work is scheduled to begin onMonday, July 30, and the new pool is expected to be complete in time for next summer’s opening.
As previously planned, the project includes a mechanical building that will be constructed near the pool. This option was selected over replacing equipment in the current mechanical room inside the recreation center, which would have damaged a large elm tree valued by the community. In addition, the Logan Park Neighborhood Association has generously donated funds to add water features to the new pool.
The second project, replacement of the recreation center’s roof, is currently in its bidding phase. Construction will begin once a contractor has been approved; on-site replacement work is expected to begin in early August, with completion projected for late October.
Stay tuned for updates as both projects proceed. And thank you for your patience while we work to improve Minneapolis parks and recreation centers.
Every neighborhood deserves a great park.
The roof replacement project includes funding from NPP20, a historic agreement between the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board (MPRB) and the City of Minneapolis. It helps address racial and economic equity across 160 neighborhood parks and provides $11 million annually to maintain, repair and replace facilities.
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