Spring 2021 Program Announced!
Logan Park Rain 2021 Garden Program
The Logan Park Neighborhood Association will partner again with the nonprofit Metro Blooms to assist our residents who would like to install a raingarden. Logan Park Neighborhood Raingarden Program 2021 will include up to a total of 13 raingarden installations. 8 properties in the neighborhood will be able to participate via the traditional in-ground raingarden. New for 2021, 5 properties or rental units will be able to participate utilizing container planters for placement at their residence. In-ground participants will receive an onsite or virtual consultation and raingarden design from Metro Blooms. Participants pay $50 for an individual consultation and the cost of plants. The participant will receive a raingarden design and installation for approximately $300- $460, depending on size. Metro Blooms will work with the Conservation Corps of MN and a local group to excavate the raingardens, haul away extra soil, if preferred, and install mulch for each specific design.
Container planters will have an online template to select plants for a 2 square foot area, Metro Blooms will assist with any questions. The total cost for plants and containers paid by participants will be $25. Container gardens will be prepared and ready for pickup at Logan Park. Participants will be responsible for in-ground planting. Container planters can be delivered and placed if there is a need.
LPNA is covering a portion of the cost of the consultation, as well as the design of the new plantings, containers, and installation oversight. This a great opportunity for you to install a raingarden on your property or place of residence at a very low cost to you while making a very tangible contribution to our environment!
Logan Park will be holding a lottery for the 13 slots in the program. Email admin@loganparkneighborhood.org to have your name put in the lottery. Winners will be drawn at the LPNA Annual Meeting, May 19th, 2021.
Spring 2020 Updates
Logan Park Neighborhood Raingarden Program Logan Park Neighborhood Association is teaming up again with the nonprofit, Metro Blooms, to help our residents who would like to install a raingarden.
Up to 8 properties in the neighborhood will be able to participate in the program. Participants will receive an onsite consultation and raingarden design from Metro Blooms. Participants pay $50 for their consultation and the cost of plants. The participant will receive a raingarden design and installation for approximately $300- $460, depending on size. Metro Blooms will work with the Conservation Corps of MN to excavate the raingardens, haul away extra soil, and mulch. Participants will be responsible for planting their raingarden according to Metro Blooms’ design.
LPNA is covering a portion of the cost of the consultation, as well as the design of the new plantings, and installation oversight…all of which makes this a great opportunity for you to install a raingarden on your proper- ty at a very low cost to you!
Logan Park will be holding a lottery for the 8 slots in the program. Email admin@loganparkneighborhood.org to have your name put in the lottery. Winners will be drawn at the LPNA Annual Meeting, May 20th, 2020.
Programa de Jardines de lluvia del barrio de Logan Park
La asociación del barrio de Logan Park (Logan Park Neighborhood Association o LPNA) de nuevo se une con la organización sin fines de lucro, Metro Blooms, para ayudar nuestros residentes que querrían instalar un jardín de lluvia.
Hasta 8 propiedades en el barrio podrán participar en el programa. Participantes recibirán una consulta in situ y una diseño de jardín de lluvia por Metro Blooms. Participantes pagan $50 para su consulta y el costo de las plantas. El participante recibirá una diseño de jardín de lluvia y instalación por aproximadamente $300 – $460, dependiendo del tamaño. Metro Blooms trabajarán con el Cuerpo de Conservación de Minnesota (Conservation Corps of MN) para excavar los jardines de lluvia, sacar tierra extra, y cubrirlo con mantillo. Participantes serán responsables para sembrar su jardín según el diseño de Metro Bloom.
Logan Park cubre una porción del costo de la consulta, además del diseño de las nuevas plantaciones, y supervisión de instalación… todo lo cual lo hace una gran oportunidad para usted a instalar un jardín de lluvia en su propiedad por un costo muy bajo para usted.
LPNA celebrará una lotería por los 8 puestos en el programa. Envíe por correo electrónico a admin@loganparkneighborhood.org para añadir su nombre en la lotería. Los ganadores serán sacados en la reunión anual de LPNA, 20 de Mayo de 2020.
2019 Raingarden Program Updates
These raingardens may seem small but their impact on water quality is incredibly important. Below, we have estimated the amount of runoff that each raingarden captures per year, and as a group of 8 raingardens. Take that water quality benefit and multiply it over many years, not to mention the pollinator habitat created by the new native plants. A total of 349 new native perennials and shrubs were planted as a part of this project. The impact is huge and very exciting!
Project Results
Metro Blooms installed 8 raingardens in the Logan Park neighborhood in the summer of 2019.
Total Project square footage: 916 sf
Each raingarden was an average of 114 sf.
Pollution Reduction Calculations per raingarden per year (estimated):
Runoff captured – 14,744 gallons
Total Suspended Solids captured – 6.7 lbs.
Total Phosphorus captured – 0.037 lbs.
Pollution Reduction Calculations for total project per year (estimated);
Runoff captured – 117,952 gallons
Total Suspended Solids captured – 53.5
Logan Park Neighborhood Raingarden Program Opens 2019 Lottery
This year Logan Park Neighborhood Association is teaming up with the nonprofit, Metro Blooms, to help our residents who would like to install a raingarden. Raingardens are beautiful landscaping features that protect nearby lakes and rivers by using native plants to filter rainwater runoff through the soil instead of flowing into storm drains. They also provide habitat for pollinators and are placed to capture runoff before it leaves your property.
Up to 8 properties in the neighborhood will be able to participate in the program. Participants will receive an onsite consultation and raingarden design from Metro Blooms. Participants only pay $50 for their consultation and the neighborhood association will be providing the majority of funding. The participant will receive a raingarden design and installation for approximately $300-$460, depending on size. Metro Blooms will work with the Conservation Corps of MN to excavate the raingardens, haul away extra soil, and mulch. Metro Blooms will also order all of the plants and provide them to participants at a ‘plant pick up’ event. Participants will be responsible for planting their raingarden according to Metro Blooms’ design. Participants will also be provided with plenty of support including information about planting and maintenance of their new raingarden.
The Logan Park Neighborhood Association is covering a portion of the cost of the consultation, as well as the design of the new plantings, and installation oversight…all of which makes this a great opportunity for you to install a raingarden on your property at a very low cost to you!
Logan Park will be holding a lottery for the 8 slots in the program. Email admin@loganparkneighborhood.org to have your name put in the lottery. Winners will be drawn at the May 15th Community Meeting @ Logan Park.
“Neighborhood of Raingardens” Program Offered for Logan Park Property Owners 2018
Want to do your part to improve the watershed that feeds our lakes? Raingardens are beautiful landscaping features that protect water quality and provide habitat for pollinators. They use native plants and allow rainwater runoff to filter through the soil instead of flowing into storm drains and directly into our lakes and rivers.
This summer, the Logan Park Neighborhood Association and Metro Blooms are teaming up to help neighborhood property owners install raingardens by lowering the cost and doing the most difficult job, excavating the gardens and hauling away the dirt. Up to 12 properties in Logan Park will receive an onsite consultation and raingarden design from Metro Blooms. Property owners only pay $50 for their consultation and the neighborhood association will be providing the majority of funding. The property owner will receive a raingarden design and installation (including labor, hauling away soil, mulch, and compost) for approximately $300-$450 (varies with size of raingarden).
Interested property owners can contact Logan Park at loganparkna@aol.com to put your name on the list for an onsite consultation with a landscape designer during the summer of 2018. Please submit your interest by July 1st, 2018. If more than 12 people are interested, a lottery will take place at the July 18th community meeting. The consultation includes identifying runoff conditions on your property, taking measurements, determining the appropriate size for your raingarden, and selecting plants.
The raingardens will be constructed by Metro Blooms and the Conservation Corps of Minnesota in September 2018. Metro Blooms will order the plants, and property owners will be responsible for planting their raingarden. Metro Blooms will also provide supplemental information and follow-up related to maintenance of the new raingardens. Raingardens can be a maximum of 150 square feet.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact Jennifer at Metro Blooms at jennifer@metroblooms.org.