LPNA Shelter Initiative Final Report 1.11.2022
The LPNA Shelter Initiative final report is now available. View the report here.
Updates 3.25.21
Applications for the Logan Park Shelter Initiative are now closed. Thank you to all who applied. The work group will commence in mid April. We will send updates to the community as they become available.
Logan Park Resource list: The work group is working to compile a list of resources. If you have resources to share, please let us know:
Logan Park Resource List

Updates 2.11.2021
Apply for the Logan Park Shelter Initiative
*Memorandum of Agreement Regarding Member Duties for the LPNA Logan Park Initiative for Shelter
*LPNA Shelter Initiative Application
LPNA is forming the Logan Park Shelter Initiative, made up of members from the Logan Park neighborhood, service providers, and policy makers. We also plan to include a member from St. Anthony East and Beltrami neighborhoods.
The purpose of the Initiative is to explore the issues that led to the park encampments last summer, lessons learned, and practical changes to related local systems and policies. The goal is to develop recommendations and action steps to improve the situation for all involved.
The plan is 6 monthly meetings starting in March. There will be homework (ex reading material, research) in advance of each meeting. Members are expected to attend all 6 meetings (barring emergencies).
The virtual meetings will be facilitated by Zakcq Lockrem and his team who have been hired by LPNA for this endeavor. Meetings will consist of presentations and group discussions on a specific topic with relevant guests. To encourage honest dialogue and develop trust, the meetings will not be open to the public. Resources used will be made available on the LPNA website. There will be an interim report half way through the project. The final report and recommendations will be distributed widely.
We are looking for 12-15 people who have an open mind and a willingness to read, learn, discuss and constructively work together as a team. If you are interested in being a part of the Initiative, please review the attached memo and complete the application. Please submit the application by 2/19. You may be contacted by the group facilitator for follow up questions. We are seeking a representative group with varied points of view and backgrounds.
If you are not selected for the Initiative, we encourage you to sign up for email updates and to attend LPNA meetings to support this and future neighborhood projects. The Initiative’s final report will be the beginning of the work towards making positive change on this issue.

Logan Park Shelter Initiative Updated 2.5.21
In the summer of 2020, Logan Park was the location of one of many encampments of unsheltered populations in parks throughout Minneapolis. Community members, both housed and unhoused, faced numerous chal-lenges in accessing needed resources and support.
The board of the LPNA has expressed a desire to work together to better understand the needs of unsheltered community members and prepare an action plan for neighborhood actions that can be undertaken to support the sheltered and unsheltered community. LPNA steering committee members have developed a contract and scope of work with Asakura Robinson to facilitate the project. This contract has now been approved by the LPNA Board and vetted/approved by Minneapolis Neighborhood and Community Relations (NCR) staff. LPNA and Asakura Robinson have part-nered on other projects in the past and have built a relationship which we believe will help with this im-portant work.
We expect the project to take place over the next six months. An interim findings deliverable will be created after three months and an action plan document will be developed at the end of the project , which we will share widely.
An initial planning meeting is occurring at the end of January to review potential group makeup, document member expectations, review questions for initial interviews, and start planning out meetings and timelines.Anyone who has already expressed interest in being part of the initiative can expect to be contacted in early February by phone or email. If you would like updates on the initiative, sign up for our email list.