Time to Talk Transportation on Thursday, June 9

Car-Free and Car-Light Living:

Transportation Options in the Urban Environment

Could you live without a car? Would you live without a car? Or downsize from two to one? Significant investment has been made in the past decade in multi-modal transportation options, from light rail and high-frequency bus service to bicycle infrastructure and car- and bicycle-share programs like Nice Ride, Car2Go, HOURCAR and others, all of which make car-free and/or car-light lifestyles more viable in Minneapolis.

Join Council Member Reich and your friends and neighbors on Thursday, June 9, 6:30 p.m. at Northeast Library, 2200 Central Avenue NE for a discussion about our City’s changing transportation landscape. Guest panelists will include Gene Tierney, founder of the non-profit organization CarFreeLife; Metro Transit planner Kyle Burrows; Nice Ride executive director Bill Dossett; and Center for Energy & Environment president Chris Duffrin.

For questions or further information, contact Lisa Brock at lisa.brock@minneapolismn.gov or 612-673-2201.