Free Programs and Fun Events at East Side

East Side has many fun events and helpful programs coming up.
Mark your calendar and share this information with our community.

Fix-It Tech – A Minneapolis Community Technology Education Event
Saturday, March 12, 11:00 am to 2:00 pm, at East Side
FREE tech support. Get your questions answered. Bring laptops, desktop towers, smartphones, or tablets and power cord. Our volunteers will teach valuable repair skills, answer questions, and give technical advice about your device.

Community Concert Series at Prospect Park United Methodist Church
Saturday, March 12, 7:00 PM

Folksinger Joanne Bolles performs a free concert to benefit East Side’s Glendale Food Shelf at 7:00 PM. The concert series features one free concert per month, September through May, with donations collected in which 100% goes to designated community organizations. Concert is in the sanctuary, with refreshments following the concert in Community Hall. Prospect Park United Methodist Church, 22 Orlin Ave SE, Minneapolis, MN 55414. Office: 612-378-2380

Maintain independence and improve balance!
“A Matter of Balance,” an award winning, evidence-based 8-week class, begins Wednesday, March 30th from 1:30-3:30pm at East Side Neighborhood Services. This class is designed to empower participants to increase their activity levels and manage falls by learning to make changes to daily behavior, learning physical exercises that improve strength and balance, and setting goals. A Matter of Balance is sponsored by the Metropolitan Area Agency on Agency. The cost of the class is on a sliding fee scale. Reserve your space early – spots are limited. Contact Brenna Horn at 612-787-4055 to register.

Prepare and Prosper FREE Tax Preparation
Tuesday evenings, Thursday evenings, Saturday mornings
January 23 – April 18 at East Side

Prepare and Prosper will provide free tax preparation to low-income individuals and families. There is no need to sign up – service is walk-in only. The order in which clients are served will be determined randomly. Everyone present at the sign-in time, which is 5:15 pm on Tuesday and Thursday, and 8:15 am on Saturday, has an equal chance to be served and to be seen first. Please do not arrive more than 10 minutes before the sign-in time. Those arriving after the sign in time will be served if there is time.

FREE Tax Assistance for Seniors – February 1 to April 13
AARP will be providing free tax assistance to low-income senior and disabled individuals at East Side. Assistance is by appointment only and may be made in person or by calling the front desk. Volunteer tax preparers will be here Monday afternoons and Wednesday evenings beginning February 1 through April 13. Appointment times fill up fast, so if you know anyone that could benefit, encourage them to call early. (612) 781-6011

Tai Ji Quan: Moving for Better Balance
12 week class to reduce risk of falls by improving balance, muscle strength, flexibility, and mobility through coordinated movements in a slow, circular, flowing motion. $10 suggested donation pays for 24 classes. Contact Brenna Horn to register 612-787-4055, Tai Ji Quan: Moving For Better Balance is sponsored by the Metropolitan Area Agency on Aging in the 7 county metro area.

Living Well with Chronic Conditions – Six week workshop
Contact Brenna Horn to register: (612) 787-4055 or

Elder Law Clinics at ESNS – Next Clinic: April 23, 2016
Neighborhood Seniors can meet with an attorney for a half-hour consultation at no charge. Appointments begin at 10:00 am and end at 2:00 pm. To make an appointment contact Laura at (612) 781-6011 or Clinic dates for 2016: April 23, May 28, June 25, July 23, August 27, September 24 and October 22.
20th Annual East Side Wine Tasting!
Thursday, May 12th, Nicollet Island Pavilion
An evening of wine, food, spectacular views and entertainment!
Tickets and proceeds benefit the many programs of East Side Neighborhood Services.