Learn to Create Beautiful, Low-Input Lawns Turf alternatives support clean water & biodiversity
Increasing numbers of property owners are looking to replace their
lawn with something that is beautiful, ecologically friendly, and
lower maintenance.
Installing Turf Alternatives – your guide to a low maintenance
lawn, a workshop presented by Metro Blooms in partnership with
Blue Thumb – Planting for Clean Water® covers the advantages of
using perennial ground covers to maximize ecological impact. It also
demonstrates handy how-tos for replacing traditional turf by
installing and maintaining two popular types of turf alternatives:
Low Maintenance Lawns and Bee Lawns.
Tuesday, October 24 2017
Lynnhurst Recreation Center
1345 W Minnehaha Pkwy
Minneapolis, MN 55419
How to
Cost: $25 per household. Register for this event online at
metroblooms.org/events; by sending your name, organization, title,
email address and phone number to deborah@metroblooms.org; or
calling 651-699-2426.
Why Turf Alternatives?
Turf alternatives provide a range of ecological benefits when compared to sterile
expanses of traditional turf. They are drought tolerant, slow growing (less mowing),
require less fertilizer, and are adaptable and weed-suppressing. They can also support
beneficial insects, fix nitrogen in the soil, better infiltrate runoff, and require less
maintenance from property owners.
What is Blue Thumb?
Blue Thumb—Planting for Clean Water® is a public/private partnership that promotes
native plants, raingardens, shoreline stabilization projects and turf alternatives to
reduce runoff and improve water quality. Partners include local governmental units
(watershed districts, conservation districts, cities and counties), non-profit
organizations, and private companies such as nurseries, landscape design and build
companies, sustainable lawncare and tree care services. www.bluethumb.org