Logan Park Priorities Planning

The next Priorities Committee Meeting is Wednesday June 29th, 2022 7pm via Zoom.

  • June Priorities Meeting Wednesday June 29th 7pm via Zoom, email admin@loganparkneighborhood.org for the link. Minutes from 5/24


Logan Park Mural Program Updates 11.2.21

Mural Celebration Event
New murals are complete at Beltrami Park, Logan Park, and Northeast Park! Join the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board (MPRB), BNC, LPNA, NEPNA, and your Northeast neighbors and public art appreciators for a Grand Unveiling Event at Northeast Park on Saturday, Nov. 6, 2-4 pm!

Click here for the Mural Program main page.


Click here for the Logan Park Performance Pavilion main web page.

Performance Pavilion Updates 9.1.21

There’s A New Performance Pavilion in the Park!
If you’ve been by Logan Park recently, you’ve noticed something different: a brand-new performance pavilion! The pavilion has been three years in the making, and on Sunday, August 22, 2021 volunteers from the neighborhood, Spark-Y, and members of the Edison High School football team came together to help hoist the massive timbers into place. The timber framed structure will provide space for outdoor gatherings as well as stage performances in the park. Participants and spectators for the many athletic events and activities in Logan Park will also be able to enjoy the pavilion as a gathering area.

Funding for the pavilion was provided by NRP funds, Elim Church, People for Parks, local businesses, and individual donations. This project would not have been possible without numerous, dedicated volunteers and the following community partners: Clark Bremer, Jon Duesman (MPRB), Carrie Christensen (MPRB), Pat Vogel, Mike Ferrin, Kevin Reich,  Mike Vennewitz, Spark-Y Youth Labs (Miranda Wood, Tatiana Hakanson, Sam Menzies), David Salzar and the Edison Football Team. Additional recognition to be made in the October 2021 newsletter.

We are still accepting donations (any amount helps) to help offset the increased costs.
LPNA is a 501c3. Donations are tax-deductible. Donate to the Pavilion Fund


The next Priorities Committee Meeting is Tuesday October 27th, 2020 7pm

Tuesday October 27th | LPNA Priorities Meeting | 7pm,  Use meeting link or dial in +1312-626-6799,  Meeting ID: 812 0687 1759

Performance Pavilion Updates 5.5.2020

Because of planning complications due to Covid-19, we have postponed the construction of our performance pavilion to the Summer of 2021. 

We are still accepting feedback from the neighborhood, please email comments to admin@loganparkneighborhood.org.

Performance Pavilion Updates 4.10.2020

Logan Park Pavilion Project: Community Engagement— April 15th, 7pm
Online Zoom Meeting

Logan Park Neighborhood Association (LPNA) is planning to build a Timber Framed Pavilion & Performance Space in Logan Park this summer

 Join us on April 15th to ask questions and provide feedback!

As part of our neighborhood priority planning process, park-related projects was identified as one of 5 general priority areas. We then conducted a neighborhood brain-storming idea session and solicited specific project ideas from residents through our monthly newsletter, email list and social media.

We held a published general neighborhood vote in February 2019 approving the list of projects. The priority plan was approved by the city in July 2019. The process and the final approved plan are available on the LPNA website.

The pavilion would serve as a picnic shelter as well as a performance stage for music and other performances in the park. Currently, Logan Park does not have a picnic shelter. Participants and spectators for the many athletic activities within the park will enjoy the pavilion as a shady gathering area.

LPNA has committed a minimum of $35,000 towards this project from our NRP funds. LPNA has received a grant of $15,000 from People for Parks.  LPNA will also seek in-kind contributions from local businesses and the NE Tool Library for materials and equipment rental. LPNA resident and timber framer, Clark Bremer, is donating his time and expertise to this project. Spark-Y Youth Action Labs (based in Logan Park) is partnering with us as a youth training activity. Residents and community members will be encouraged to volunteer throughout the project to help build as well as provide meals and support for the workers. Minneapolis Parks and Recreation Board will be responsible for the ongoing maintenance of the structure.

We plan to start site work preparation in the spring of 2020, with completion scheduled for late summer 2020.

Visit loganparkneighborhood.org to listen to the LPNA podcast featuring Pavilion project lead, Clark Bremer.

Proyecto de Pabellón de Logan Park: Participación Comunitaria – 20 de abril, 7 de la

Reunión en línea por Zoom
La Asociación del Barrio de Logan Park (Logan Park Neighborhood Association o LPNA en
inglés) planea edificar un pabellón de armazón de madero y lugar de funciones en Logan Park este verano.

¡Únete a nosotros el 15 de abril para hacer preguntas y proveer reacciones!
Como parte de nuestro proceso de planear para la priorización del barrio, los proyectos
relacionado a los parques se identificaron como una de las áreas de prioridad general.
Entonces conducimos una sesión de lluvia de ideas del barrio y solicitamos unas ideas de
proyectos específicos por los residentes a través nuestro boletín informativo mensual, lista de correo electrónico, y redes sociales.

Celebramos y se publicó una votación general del barrio en febrero de 2019 aprobando la lista de proyectos. El plan de priorización que se aprobó por la ciudad en julio de 2019. El proceso y el plan final aprobado están disponibles en el sitio web de LPNA.

El pabellón serviría como refugio de picnic además como un escenario para música y otras
funciones en el parque. Actualmente, Logan Park no tiene un refugio de picnic. Participantes y espectadores para varias actividades atléticas dentro del parque disfrutarán el pabellón como un lugar sombreado de concurrentes.

LPNA se asignó un mínimo de $35.000 hacia éste proyecto por nuestro fondos del Programa de Revitalización del Barrio (NRP en inglés). LPNA ha recibido un subsidio de $15.000 por People for Parks (Gente para los Parques). LPNA también buscará contribuciones en especie por negocios locales y la biblioteca de herramientas al noreste de Minneapolis para materiales y equipos de alquiler. Residente de LPNA y obrero de armazones de madera, Clark Bremer,
dona su tiempo y pericia en este proyecto. El Laboratorio Juvenil de Acción Spark-Y (Spark-YYouth Action Lab en inglés), basado en Logan Park, se une con nosotros como una actividad de entrenamiento juvenil. Residentes y miembros de la comunidad se animarían a que se ofrezcan como voluntarios durante todo del proyecto a ayudar construir además proveer comida y apoyo a los obreros. El directorio de Parques y Recreación de Minneapolis será responsable para el mantenimiento continuo de la estructura.

Planeamos empezar la preparación del trabajo in situ en la primavera de 2020, con la
finalización fijada a finales del verano de 2020.

Visita loganparkneighborhood.org para escuchar el podcast de LPNA en que aparece el líder del proyecto del pabellón, Clark Bremer.

Performance Pavilion Updates 2.13.2020

Updates 2.13.2020

Performance Pavilion 

We have updated renderings to share and are excited to engage the community!  We are inviting the community to provide feedback  at the March 18th. 2020 Community Meeting, 7pm @ Logan Park.  


Update 9.2.2019

The first few projects from our Priority Plan are getting underway!

Tool Library Classes specifically designed for LPNA residents starting next winter: Get to Know the Tool Library, How to get your Security Deposit back, Basic Plumbing Skills and Basic Electrical Skills. 

Air Quality Monitors – LPNA will fund 6 monitors. Contact LPNA if you are interested in hosting a monitor on your house.

Performance Pavilion in the Park – Park Board representatives are enthusiastic and supportive of the Pavilion concept. The main use of the structure will be as a picnic shelter but it is also being designed to accommodate outdoor performances. LPNA will provide half of the funding and is seeking grants and donations for the rest.

Action Plans for several other projects are being reviewed and researched.

Update 7.12.19

Thank you to those who submitted Idea Action Plans! 
The Priorities Implementation Committee met on July 10th to review the plans.  We assigned followup action items to our committee members and will further review at our next meeting, Wednesday August 14th, 6pm @ Logan Park. 

 Update 6.14.19

The Priorities Implementation Committee sent out Action Plan & Budget Forms to all those who contributed ideas included in our Priority Plans.  Action Plans & Budgets are due by July 10th.  The committee will review the Action Plans & Budgets and make funding decisions in Fall 2019.  

Action Plan Form

Budget form

Project Lead request


Priorities Implementation Committee

The Priorities Implementation Committee is working to compile detailed Action Plans from folks who have submitted ideas.  The next Committee Meeting is July 10th, 6pm @ Logan Park.


Priorities Planning Update

The Logan Park Community approved the LPNA Priorities Plan at the March 20th, 2019 Community Meeting.  Stayed tuned for more details regarding an Implementation Committee!

 Priorities Planning Update

The LPNA Priorities will be voted on at the March 20th, 2019 general meeting.

Email comments to loganparkna@aol.com


Priorities Survey (December 2017)
Ideas Brainstorming Session (July 2018)
Idea Submission (September -November 2018

Next Steps:
Idea Committee presents a package of ideas to LPNA Board (Winter 2019)
Board Approves (Winter 2019)
Package is presented to neighborhood (Spring 2019)


Logan Park Neighborhood Association Priorities Plan  

Draft approved by the LPNA priorities committee 02/05/2019
Draft passed by the LPNA board 02/06/2019
Minor updates 02/14/2019

Updated 3/1 to move sidewalks to Infrastructure and moved  re-seeding blvds to Environment in response to review by Bob Cooper at NCR

INFRASTRUCTURE/ARTS            $80,000                                                                        
The #1 priority from our neighborhood survey was Infrastructure.  Specifically, we identified the need for pedestrian, street and park safety. We would like to see traffic calming, crosswalk safety and increased lighting in a few specific areas. Being at the heart of the Arts District, we propose to combine these needed infrastructure projects with an artistic touch to create and celebrate a unique sense of community.

Projects and programs may include, but are not limited to:

  • Work with the city and railroad to install artistic a lighting/mural art project under train bridges to improve the pedestrian experience

  • Partner with our vibrant arts community to install murals and other artistic components that can help calm traffic and support place making goals.

  • Partner with the park board and arts community create an artistic lighting project in the park

  • Use a community event to install artful crosswalks and community pavement painting to improve pedestrian street safety

  • Leverage our Logan Legacy Taskforce to ensure the Quincy Street reconstruction includes our goals of safety, place making, and usability

  • Work with the city and the Broadway Street Taskforce to improve safety on Broadway

  • Work with city and residents to expand historic-style street lighting within the neighborhood to increase street and pedestrian safety.

  • Work with the city of Minneapolis to replace crumbling sidewalks


Logan Park is the hub of our neighborhood, used by all residents.   Our goal is to ensure the success of our park and improve its usability.

Projects and programs may include, but are not limited to:

  • Partner with local youth organizations to build a timber framed pavilion

  • Add additional shade structures to the new wading pool

  • Add an artistic and educational element to the park to mark the 45th parallel

  • Partner with MPRB staff to identify and fund park equipment and programs

  • Stay actively involved with the park redesign and the use of dedicated park funds

ENVIRONMENT             $15,000

Environmental issues were the second priority from our survey.  LPNA is dedicated to doing our part to protect our environment.

Projects and programs may include, but are not limited to:

  • Increase pollinators by partnering with local groups to create a rooftop apiary

  • Reduce water pollution with a rain garden program and explore a boulevard reseeding program

  • Reduce energy consumption with our Home Energy Audit program

  • Investigate energy efficient options for lighting improvements

  • Install air quality monitors at various points around the neighborhood

HOUSING    $10,000 + Existing CEE funds    

Housing was the third priority from our survey. We have a home improvement revolving loan and grant program through CEE started with NRP funds. We will be reviewing the current activity and program status and consider moving funding from the Program Income to current proposals.

Projects and programs may include, but are not limited to:

  • Improve neighborhood appearance with a grant program for front of home improvements

  • Review alternatives to our home loan and grant programs to find programs with best impact

  • Connect with home improvement and renters’ programs offered by the city and nonprofit organizations


Community members proposed several community building and community service projects that would provide opportunities for neighbors to gather together, learn skills, increase knowledge, and for LPNA to develop partnerships with local neighborhood resources and organizations.

Projects and programs may include, but are not limited to:

  • Develop a community event for the Logan Park Neighborhood in order to engage and connect with the community.

  • Develop senior programs to help with lawn raking, shoveling and support for aging in place

  • Host a series of livability classes to improve quality of life

  • Partner with the NE Tool Library to host home improvement classes

  • Improve our neighborhood engagement with staff community outreach

  • Promote LPNA by welcoming new neighbors

  • Contracting a project manager / administrator to help facilitate successful projects in all categories


 Priorities Planning Update

The Priorities planning committee will present the Priorities Plan Package at the February 20th General Meeting.  This will be a chance to review and discuss the ideas for future funding.  The neighborhood will have an opportunity to vote on the plan at the March 20th General Meeting.

Thank you to everyone who provided feedback on the Ideas at the November meeting!

Email additional comments to loganparkna@aol.com


Logan Park Ideas and Priorities Meeting
November 28th, 6:30 pm @ Logan Park Rec Center

LPNA has collected ideas in order to spend the city funds currently available to us.

Join us on November 28th to give feedback on these ideas and participate in a straw poll!

The committee will then review the feedback and present a package of funding recommendations to the neighborhood at the February community meeting.



10/2/18 Update

Logan Park Neighborhood Association (LPNA) is collecting ideas from the neighborhood in order to use the city funds currently available to us.

Folks with ideas are encouraged to present at our November 28th community meeting.  Everyone is invited to discuss and review these ideas.

LPNA Community Meeting: Ideas Review, November 28th, 6:30pm @ Logan Park Rec Center.

These are the ideas that have been submitted to us so far, the comment period remains open through November 28th.

Thank you to everyone who has submitted an idea!  


  • Indoor slacklines at Logan Park Rec Center.  Slacklining is like walking on a tightrope with less tension.
  • Curb Appeal Program.  Start a grant program for Logan Park neighbors to upgrade the front of home.
  • Gathering Fires.  Create 3 community gathering fires along 13th, one at Logan Park, and 2 between University and 4th.
  • One Way Streets. Make the neighborhood more accessible by implementing one way streets, leaving the avenues as they are.
  • Timber Framed Park Pavilion for the park.
  • Footbridge over 14th Ave NE rail line.
  • Sidewalk Improvements.  Replace buckled and sunken sidewalks
  • Street Light Improvements.  Add the fancy street lights to Monroe and Washington.
  • Crosswalks across 13th by the park.
  • Rake the Town, an event to rake seniors’ yards.
  • Apiary at Elim Church Roof.  Build a small apiary on the rooftop of Elim church that would serve the many flower beds in the neighborhood.
    Junior Ambassador Program.  Create a program to bring young adults to neighborhood meetings
  • NE Tool Library.  Add a keyless entry system to the Thorp building location.
  • Connecting stairs and sidewalk from Central Ave to 15th Ave NE.
  • Paint the Pavement.  Install artwork on 13th Ave NE near Logan Park.
  • Logan Park Exercise Equipment.  Public outdoor equipment and exercise stations.
  • Holland Highrise Improvements.  Landscaping, benches, or music series on the patio.
  • 45th Parallel Markers.  Place markers where the 45th parallel runs through the park and the neighborhood.
  • Aging in Place.  Classes, workshops, and field trips to stay in your community.
  • Outreach Program.  Hire a community outreach person to connect and inform residents through door knocking and outreach events.  
  • Lighting Project.  Install artistic lighting at both the north and south ends of the park.
  • Murals added around Logan Park
  • Program to fertilize boulevards in Logan Park
  • Program to add air quality monitors to the neighborhood

Want to comment on these ideas?  Tell us about it at Loganparkna@aol.com

Have your own idea?   Submit it via our website:  https://loganparkneighborhood.org/logan-park-ideas-form/


Fill out the Online Idea Form here!

Click here for a PDF Version of the form.

Survey Review: July 18th, 7pm @ Logan Park

The survey results will be reviewed and discussed at our July meeting.  We will discuss neighborhood priorities and open the floor for program and project ideas.


Thank you to all who participated in the survey!

The Survey is now closed  and results are in:

The Top Three Priorities are:

  1. Infrastructure
  2. Environment
  3. Housing

Logan Park Survey Summary (PDF)
Logan Park Complete Survey Results  (PDF)

LPNA Priorities Survey Nov 2017

Next Steps:

LPNA will use the results to prioritize our funds.  We are opening up the July meeting to hear your ideas!  Ideas will be discussed further at a fall meeting and a committee will identify resources needed for each project and bring to the board for approval.

Logan Park Priorities and Ideas Meeting July 18th LPNA has almost $150,000 of funding available for programming and projects. In order to use these funds, we must follow a city outlined process to ensure robust community engagement in determining priorities. In December 2017, LPNA sent out surveys to identify neighborhood priorities. Priorities ranked as follows: Infrastructure Environment Housing Park Related Projects Arts & Culture Senior Issues The next step in the process is to hold a community meeting to present and discuss programming and project ideas. We will open up the July meeting to present findings of the survey and hear your ideas. Ideas will be reviewed and discussed further at a fall community meeting. A committee will then identify resources needed for the programs/projects and bring to the board for approval. Have an idea you want to implement? Come to our July meeting and tell us about it!


What are your priorities?

¿Cuáles son sus prioridades?


Logan Park wants to hear from you, please take our survey!  ¡Tome nuestra encuesta!


Why we are conducting this survey:

Logan Park Neighborhood Association (LPNA) is the city-recognized neighborhood organization and receives funding from the Neighborhood Revitalization Program (NRP) and the Community Participation Program (CPP).

We are surveying the entire neighborhood for ideas and suggestions on how to prioritize our NRP and CPP funds.

Results from the Surveys will be reported at LPNA meetings, in the LPNA newsletter and on the website. LPNA Board of Directors will review the surveys for suitability.

Por qué estamos realizando esta Encuesta:

Logan Park Neighborhood Association (LPNA) es una organización reconocida por la cuidad, y recibe fondos del Neighborhood Revitalization Program (NRP) y del Community Participation Program (CPP).

Estamos encuestando por todo el vecindario para ideas y sugerencias sobre cómo debemos priorizar nuestros fondos de NPR y CCP.

Los resultados de las encuestas serán reportados en juntas del LPNA, en el boletín informativo del LPNA, y en la página electrónica. El Consejo Directivo de LPNA revisará las encuestas para idoneidad.


  • Home Improvement Matching Grants
  • Revolving Loan Program
  • Emergency Grants
  • Block Nurse Program
  • Historic Style Street Lights
  • Park Upgrades
  • Arts & Culture Programs
  • Central AvenueSignage
  • Jax Flats
  • Ethnic Film Festival
  • Block Studios
  • Circo Bus