LPNA General Meeting June 15, 2022 7pm via Zoom

Logan Park Neighborhood Association General Meeting, Wednesday June 15, 2022 7pm

Email admin@loganparkneighborhood.org for the zoom link.

How do you use Hwy 47/University Ave. and Hwy 65/Central Ave ?

The project team is approaching a key point in MnDOT’s Hwy 47/Hwy 65 study, an effort that will create a shared community vision for improvements that are needed most on Hwy 47/University Avenue and Hwy 65/Central Avenue.

At our June meeting, the team will bring us up to speed on the study progress, discuss interim projects planned for University and Central Avenues, and answer any questions you might have. The study can be viewed online at talk.dot.state.mn.us/hwy-47-hwy-65-study.