Request for Proposals – 2017 Great Streets Facade Grant Program

The City of Minneapolis is seeking proposals from organizations to administer the Façade Improvement Matching Grant Program in commercial corridors, neighborhood commercial nodes, activity centers, and Hiawatha and Central Corridor Light Rail Transit (LRT) station areas. The City provides Façade Improvement Matching Grant administration contracts to organizations as an incentive to encourage private investment in and improve the appearance of our neighborhood business districts. The Department of Community Planning and Economic Development (CPED) issued the 2017 Façade Improvement Program RFP on Monday, October 3, 2016. Proposals are due on Monday, October 31, 2016 by 4:00 p.m.For more information, contact Judy Moses.

Link to the RFP webpage:

Judy Moses
Sr. Economic Development Specialist
City of Minneapolis – Community Planning and Economic Development
105 Fifth Avenue South – Room #200
Minneapolis, MN 55401-2534


Office: 612-673-5283