Your Neighborhood: The current neighborhood structure of the Community Participation Program is set to end in the year 2020. This is an opportunity for neighborhood organization staff, board members and residents to help plan a vision for the future of neighborhoods and their role in community beyond the year 2020.
Senior Partners Care Eliminates Medicare Out of Pocket Costs
Medicare costs can really add up! There are many Medicare recipients who have incomes that are above the income guidelines to receive Medical assistance, as well as some of the other assistance programs available. It is important to have a secondary plan in place to assist with the costs that Medicare does not cover. For example, when you go to a doctor, Medicare covers 80% of that cost. With nothing else in place, you are responsible for the remaining 20%. These out of pocket costs can add up quickly. From my experience, there are many people who cannot afford another plan to accompany Medicare. Therefore, they don’t go to the doctor. This will stop their bills from adding up. This can cause a person’s health to deteriorate. They then become more vulnerable.
Senior Partners Care (SPC) is one of the best kept secrets in Minnesota. If you are currently enrolled in Medicare, or will be starting soon, please keep reading. Senior Partners Care is not insurance. It is a community based program that enables Minnesota Medicare recipients to access the medical care they need. This program bridges the financial gap between their medical bills and their Medicare coverage. SPC has partnered with most of the major metropolitan area hospitals and hundreds of clinics and providers statewide. These healthcare providers (SPC Partners) have agreed to accept Medicare as full payment for Medicare covered expenses. They waive the Medicare deductibles, coinsurance, and copayments.
Who is Eligible?
Program Participants must:
Senior Partners Care 2016 Financial Guidelines
Persons in family/household | Monthly Income
(200% FPG) |
Annual Income
(200% FPG) |
1 | $1,980 | $23,760 |
2 | $2,670 | $32,760 |
Liquid assets, excluding a house you live in and one car, cannot exceed $48,600, regardless of household size.
Participants are encouraged to purchase a separate Part D drug plan to cover their prescription drug costs because neither Medicare nor Senior Partners Care covers prescription drugs.
For program details and applications:
or call 952-767-0665.
East Side has many fun events and helpful programs coming up.
Mark your calendar and share this information with our community.
Fix-It Tech – A Minneapolis Community Technology Education Event
Saturday, March 12, 11:00 am to 2:00 pm, at East Side
FREE tech support. Get your questions answered. Bring laptops, desktop towers, smartphones, or tablets and power cord. Our volunteers will teach valuable repair skills, answer questions, and give technical advice about your device.
Community Concert Series at Prospect Park United Methodist Church
Saturday, March 12, 7:00 PM
Folksinger Joanne Bolles performs a free concert to benefit East Side’s Glendale Food Shelf at 7:00 PM. The concert series features one free concert per month, September through May, with donations collected in which 100% goes to designated community organizations. Concert is in the sanctuary, with refreshments following the concert in Community Hall. Prospect Park United Methodist Church, 22 Orlin Ave SE, Minneapolis, MN 55414. Office: 612-378-2380
Maintain independence and improve balance!
“A Matter of Balance,” an award winning, evidence-based 8-week class, begins Wednesday, March 30th from 1:30-3:30pm at East Side Neighborhood Services. This class is designed to empower participants to increase their activity levels and manage falls by learning to make changes to daily behavior, learning physical exercises that improve strength and balance, and setting goals. A Matter of Balance is sponsored by the Metropolitan Area Agency on Agency. The cost of the class is on a sliding fee scale. Reserve your space early – spots are limited. Contact Brenna Horn at 612-787-4055 to register.
Prepare and Prosper FREE Tax Preparation
Tuesday evenings, Thursday evenings, Saturday mornings
January 23 – April 18 at East Side
Prepare and Prosper will provide free tax preparation to low-income individuals and families. There is no need to sign up – service is walk-in only. The order in which clients are served will be determined randomly. Everyone present at the sign-in time, which is 5:15 pm on Tuesday and Thursday, and 8:15 am on Saturday, has an equal chance to be served and to be seen first. Please do not arrive more than 10 minutes before the sign-in time. Those arriving after the sign in time will be served if there is time.
FREE Tax Assistance for Seniors – February 1 to April 13
AARP will be providing free tax assistance to low-income senior and disabled individuals at East Side. Assistance is by appointment only and may be made in person or by calling the front desk. Volunteer tax preparers will be here Monday afternoons and Wednesday evenings beginning February 1 through April 13. Appointment times fill up fast, so if you know anyone that could benefit, encourage them to call early. (612) 781-6011
Tai Ji Quan: Moving for Better Balance
12 week class to reduce risk of falls by improving balance, muscle strength, flexibility, and mobility through coordinated movements in a slow, circular, flowing motion. $10 suggested donation pays for 24 classes. Contact Brenna Horn to register 612-787-4055, Tai Ji Quan: Moving For Better Balance is sponsored by the Metropolitan Area Agency on Aging in the 7 county metro area.
Living Well with Chronic Conditions – Six week workshop
Contact Brenna Horn to register: (612) 787-4055 or
Elder Law Clinics at ESNS – Next Clinic: April 23, 2016
Neighborhood Seniors can meet with an attorney for a half-hour consultation at no charge. Appointments begin at 10:00 am and end at 2:00 pm. To make an appointment contact Laura at (612) 781-6011 or Clinic dates for 2016: April 23, May 28, June 25, July 23, August 27, September 24 and October 22.
20th Annual East Side Wine Tasting!
Thursday, May 12th, Nicollet Island Pavilion
An evening of wine, food, spectacular views and entertainment!
Tickets and proceeds benefit the many programs of East Side Neighborhood Services.
For over a decade, the Midtown Greenway has helped knit together the people, neighborhoods, and economy of South Minneapolis. So what about North and Northeast Minneapolis? How do we walk, bike, or roll east or west across the heart of our many neighborhoods?
That is a question without a compelling answer…just yet.
The Great Northern Greenway is a vision and proposal to address just that need: a proposal to seamlessly connect neighbors through the heart of Northeast and North Minneapolis. Building on existing plans and investments, the Great Northern Greenway will provide an effortless passage across the city.
In North Minneapolis, the project will leverage trail improvements already being made along 26th Avenue North, which extends from Theodore Wirth Park at the City’s western edge to the Mississippi River. In Northeast Minneapolis, the project will draw on the existing path part of 18th Avenue Northeast, and work to address existing gaps in that route.
Perhaps most importantly, tying this all together, will be a river crossing, aligning these two routes to cross at the existing Burlington Northern Santa Fe Rail bridge across the Mississippi River. And existing and planned connections along the river will allow for easy north-south travel.
Thursday, March 3rd, 2016 ▪ 7:00 to 9:00pm
PCYC (entrance on block behind Capri Theater) ▪ 2210 Oliver Ave N
Join your Northeast neighbors in an interactive design activity that will help formulate
a long-term vision for the evolution of the Great Northern Greenway.
This collaborative workshop will allow YOU to actively shape what kind of place
you think this cross-city Greenway should be as implementation occurs.
If you have questions, contact Kathleen Boe at 612-746-4987.
Tuesday, March 15th, 2016 ▪ 7:00 to 9:00pm
Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board, Nokomis Room ▪ 2117 West River Rd N
If you have questions, contact Kathleen Boe at 612-746-4987.
Sponsored by the Holland Neighborhood Association and Minneapolis Riverfront Partnership, with support from Cuningham Architects.
Feb. 18, 2016
New wading pool planned at Logan Park
Open houses scheduled at Logan Recreation Center Feb. 27 and March 23
The Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board (MPRB) is planning to rebuild the Logan Park wading pool. It will be converted from its current circular design featuring a uniform 24-inch depth to a square design featuring a sloping, zero-depth entry that gradually increases to a 24-inch depth. All new MPRB wading pools must have zero-depth entry to increase accessibility and comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act.
The 45-year-old wading pool is scheduled to close for construction in late summer/early fall 2016 and reopen early summer 2017. The project is designed to protect the large elm tree between the pool and recreation center.
Public Meetings
Two open houses are scheduled for the public to engage with project staff:
Open House #1
Feb. 27, 11 am-1 pm, Logan Recreation Center
Open House #2
March 23, 6-8 pm, Logan Recreation Center
Project staff will also be present to field questions, concerns and comments from the public at two events scheduled at Logan Park this spring:
Spring Egg Hunt
March 25, 10-11:30 am
Arbor Day Celebration
April 29, time to be determined
Stay Informed
Subscribing to email updates is the best way to stay informed on this project. Subscribe by visiting and selecting “Logan Park Wading Pool Improvement” under “Planning Projects,” or by visiting, selecting “Logan Park Wading Pool Improvement” and entering your email into the box under “Subscribe to Email Updates.”
Deb Bartels
Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board
Questions from the media
Dawn Sommers
Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board
Media Alert
For Immediate Release
Becky Rice
Help keep local rivers and lakes clean with your own raingarden!
Learn how at the 2016 spring workshops hosted by Metro Blooms workshops across metro.
What? | Help keep our lakes and rivers clean while creating a beautiful and bee/butterfly-friendly habitat in your yard! This workshop, Raingarden
Workshop: Planting for Pollinators, presented by Metro Blooms will give you an overview of our DIY approach to raingardens and native plants, as well as resources for hire if you need some extra help. You’ll receive recommendations for your property with one-on-one assistance from Metro Blooms landscape designers and Hennepin County Master Gardeners, as well as information about cost share programs and how you can apply. |
When? | March-May 2016 |
Where? | 10 Twin Cities metro locations, with more to come! |
How/Register? | Visit or call 651-699-2426 Cost: $15* unless otherwise noted. |
Why? | In a healthy forest, only about 10 percent of the rain that falls each year leaves the forest as surface runoff. In a developed urban area, more than 50 percent runs off, carrying pollution to our local water bodies. Raingardens help runoff soak into the soil to be cleaned naturally, provide excellent homes for bees and butterflies, and recharge our precious groundwater. |
Who? | Workshop presented by Metro Blooms, sponsored by the Cities of Minneapolis, Plymouth, Edina, St. Louis Park and Champlin, St. Barnabas Lutheran Church, Hennepin County Master Gardeners, Minnehaha Creek Watershed District, Nine Mile Creek Watershed District, Shingle Creek and West Mississippi Watershed Management Commission, Elm Creek Watershed Management Commission, and the Bassett Creek Watershed Management Commission. Metro Blooms has presented raingarden workshops for the last ten years helping over 8,000 homeowners and businesses install raingardens throughout the metro area. |
*You can also mail your registration and $15 payment to Raingarden Workshop Registration, P.O. Box 17099, Minneapolis, MN 55417. Enclose a check, payable to Metro Blooms, and include the workshop location, your name, address, zip code, phone number and your email address.
Register now. Some locations fill up fast. The $15 workshops will be offered March through May:
Date | Day | Time | Location |
March 31 | Thursday | 6-9 PM | Longfellow Park Recreation Center, Minneapolis |
April 13 | Wednesday | 6-9 PM | Edina Public Works Building |
April 19 | Tuesday | 6-9 PM | St. Barnabas Lutheran Church, Plymouth (FREE) |
April 23 | Saturday | 1-4 PM | Lake Hiawatha Recreation Center |
April 28 | Thursday | 6-9 PM | Audubon Park Recreation Center, Minneapolis |
May 5 | Thursday | 6-9 PM | Brooklyn Center Community Center |
May 12 | Thursday | 6-9 PM | Champlin City Hall |
May 18 | Wednesday | 6-9 PM | Pearl Park Recreation Center, Minneapolis |
May 21 | Saturday | 1-4 pm | North Regional Library,, Minneapolis (FREE) |
May 25 | Wednesday | 6-9 PM | St. Louis Park Recreation Center |
Date | Day | Time | Plant Sale Location |
May 28 | Saturday | 8:00 AM – 1:00 PM | Annual Plymouth Native Plant Sale
Barnabas Lutheran Church, Plymouth |
June 4 | Saturday | 9:00 AM-3:00 PM | Landscape Revival: Native Plant Expo and Market
Community Pavilion at the Roseville Cub Foods, Roseville |
Want to know more?
Whether you are an experienced gardener or have never tried gardening before, this eco-friendly workshop will help you learn how to:
A raingarden is a shallow depression in the ground that is designed to capture rainwater and allow it to soak into the ground within 48 hours. Raingardens are best designed with plants that are well adapted to the unique conditions of the garden and your region (such as local native plants).
Fast Facts about runoff and native plants:
Metro Blooms, a local non-profit organization, works to strengthen communities by promoting environmentally-sound landscaping that beautifies neighborhoods and protects our environment. Metro Blooms has been partnering with Twin Cities Metro communities to provide low-cost raingarden workshops since 2005. Follow us on Twitter: @MetroBlooms
The wading pool at Logan Park is forty-five years old and will be completely reconstructed in the fall of 2016. Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board staff is hosting two open houses to share information about the project: Saturday February 27 from 11am-1pm and Wednesday March 23rd from 6-8 pm. Both events will be held at the Logan Park Recreation Center.
Because of accessibility requirements, the shape of the pool will change from circular to rectangular. One end of the new pool will have a zero-depth entry. The concrete deck, fencing, and benches will be replaced. A small new building for the pool’s mechanical systems and new utility connections may be required in order to protect other park features, such as the 48” Elm outside the recreation center. Depending on construction costs, spray features and/or shade structures may be added.
The wading pool was originally constructed in 1971. The pool is located in the east central portion of the park, south of the recreation center building and just west of the park’s parking lot. The wading pool is heavily used from mid-morning to late afternoon and draws from surrounding neighborhoods as well as those on the North Side. The 24” depth is popular with pool users. Neighborhood day care centers frequently use the pool.
A public hearing to approve the pool concept is anticipated in April. The project will be bid in May with construction to begin in the fall. The existing pool will be open this summer.
MPRB planning staff will be showcasing the project at other community events at the park, such as Tiny Tot Gym, the March Egg Hunt, and Arbor Day in April. For more information visit the project webpage at or contact the project manager, Deb Bartels, at
Deborah Bartels, Registered Landscape Architect
Project Manager – Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board
2117 West River Road
Minneapolis MN 55411 -2227
612-230-6438 direct
612-499-9088 cell
How to Hold Better Meetings
The City of Minneapolis markets vacant lots and vacant structures to create new housing opportunities.
Join us to learn how you can participate!
Thursday, December 3, 2015, 6 p.m. – 8 p.m.
North Regional Library, 2nd floor community room
1315 Lowry Ave. N., Minneapolis, MN 55411
Agenda includes:
How to find a property
Financing options to pay for your project
Submitting a successful application
What you need to know during construction
Residents and developers encouraged to attend. Hmong translation provided.
The meeting site is wheelchair accessible. For other reasonable accommodations such as a sign language interpreter or materials inan alternative format, please contact Roxanne Kimball at 612-673-2794 or by November 30,2015.
Para asistencia 612-673-2700 – Rau kev pab 612-673-2800 – Hadii aad Caawimaad u baahantahay 612-673-3500…/housing/cped_vacant_lot_home
Northeast Library 100 Year Anniversary Celebration
Saturday, Nov. 14, 10 a.m.
Join us at the library to celebrate 100 years of service to the community.
Hennepin County Library – Northeast
2200 Central Ave. N.E., Minneapolis, MN 55418
Sponsored by the Friends of the Northeast Library.
Learn more about the history of Northeast Library on Wikipedia and Tumblr.
The St. Anthony Parkway Bridge over the Northtown Yard is scheduled to close to all traffic, including bicycle and pedestrians, starting on November 2nd, 2015. The intersection of California Street & St. Anthony Parkway as well as the Main Street & St. Anthony Parkway intersection will also remained closed and fenced off for the remainder of construction.
Closing the bridge to all traffic, including bicycles and pedestrians, will allow the contractor to safely work on preparing the truss spans for demolition. Demolition and removal of the trusses is scheduled to begin this winter.
Safety is a top priority with this project, and everyone is encouraged to keep a safe distance from the construction site and safely monitor the project via the live web cam on the project website:
MetroTransit will continue to provide bus service during construction. Please check their website for current route and schedule updates:
Kristin C. Petersen | Planner / Public Involvement
SEH | 3535 Vadnais Center Drive | St. Paul, MN 55110
651.256.0437 desk | 612.423.4584 cell | 651.490.2150 fax |
NEIC Join & Ride Event
What: The NorthEast Investment Cooperative is holding a Join and Ride Event for potential new members to learn more about the organization and become members. An information Session will be held at the Mississippi Watershed Management Organization with a happy hour following at Betty Danger’s Country Club. New members that sign up that night will get one free ferris wheel ride! To learn more and RSVP please go to
October 13 and November 12th 2015 – Information Session at 6:30 p.m. with Happy Hour at 7:30 p.m.
Mississippi Watershed Management Organization
2522 Marshall Street NE
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55418
Happy Hour
Betty Danger’s Country Club
2501 Marshall Street NE
Minneapolis, MN, 55418
Date: September 21, 2015
Time: 1:30 pm or shortly after
Place: Minneapolis City Hall, Room 317
350 South 5th Street
Minneapolis, MN 55415
Subject: Annual License Fee Adjustment Public Hearing
The Ways and Means Committee of the Minneapolis City Council will consider adjusting fees listed on the License Fee Schedule. Staff is recommending no increase in fees for 2016.
You are invited to attend, express your opinions, and/or submit such in writing by contacting us at or 612-673-3343.
Information in Other Languages: Para asistencia 612-673-2700 – Rau kev pab 612-673-2800 – Hadii aad Caawimaad u baahantahay 612-673-3500.