Logan Park Pavilion Project: Community Engagement—March 18th, 7pm @ Logan Park – Cancelled
Logan Park Neighborhood Association (LPNA) is planning to build a Timber Framed Pavilion & Performance Space in Logan Park. Come to the March 18th meeting to ask questions and provide feedback!
As part of our neighborhood priority planning process, park-related projects was identified as one of 5 general priority areas. We conducted a neighborhood brain-storming idea session and solicited specific project ideas from residents through our monthly newsletter, email list and social media. We held a published general neighborhood vote in February 2019 approving the list of projects. The priority plan was approved by the city in July 2019. The process and the final approved plan are available on the LPNA website.
The pavilion would serve as a picnic shelter as well as a performance stage for music and other performances in the park. Participants and spectators for the many athletic activities within the park will enjoy the pavilion as a shady gathering area. LPNA has committed a minimum of $35,000 towards this project from our NRP funds. LPNA has received a grant of $15,000 from People for Parks. LPNA will also seek in-kind contributions from local businesses and the NE Tool Library for materials and equipment rental.
LPNA resident and timber framer, Clark Bremer, is donating his time and expertise to this project. Spark-Y Youth Action Labs (based in Logan Park) is partnering with us as a youth training activity. Residents and community members will be encouraged to volunteer throughout the project to help build as well as provide meals and support for the workers. Minneapolis Parks and Recreation Board will be responsible for the ongoing maintenance of the structure. We plan to start site work preparation in the spring of 2020, with completion scheduled for late summer 2020. Visit loganparkneighborhood.org to listen to the LPNA podcast featuring Pavilion project lead, Clark Bremer.