Wednesday July 15th · LPNA General Meeting · 7pm · Online Meeting
Agenda: Discussion of Call to Action and Next Steps, Vote regarding Support of Reclaim the Block’s Pledge for elected officials
Wednesday July 15th · LPNA General Meeting · 7pm · Online Meeting
Agenda: Discussion of Call to Action and Next Steps, Vote regarding Support of Reclaim the Block’s Pledge for elected officials
Joshua Howe has submitted the following land use applications to allow the construction of a new six-story mixed-use building with 111 dwelling units, approximately 3,600 square feet of light industrial space, and approximately 1,700 square feet of retail space at 1200 Central Ave NE:
The City Planning Commission will meet on Monday, July 6, 2020, at 4:30 p.m. During the declared local public health emergency, Minneapolis has transitioned to an electronic format for its public meetings and hearings, authorized under Minn. Stat. Section 13D.021, to minimize the risk of exposure to or potential spread of COVID-19. The public may view the public hearing using the following options: Watch on Comcast Channel 14 or 799, CenturyLink Channel 8001 or 8501, or live on www.minneapolismn.gov/tv/citycounciltv.
In accordance with the Zoning Code, all property owners within 350 feet of the subject property are notified of this public hearing. The public may submit comments or participate by phone in the meeting by using the following website: www.minneapolismn.gov/meetings/index.htm.
If you have questions about the project, please contact the City staff person listed below. If you would like to submit comments, you may submit them via the link above or by emailing:
Andrew Frenz, Senior City Planner – 250 S 4th St Room 300, Minneapolis, MN 55415
Phone (612) 673-3790 E-mail: Andrew.Frenz@minneapolismn.gov.
Planning Department staff will issue a recommendation to the Planning Commission. After hearing from the public, the Planning Commission will make a determination based on required legal findings of fact. Please visit www.minneapolismn.gov/meetings/planning for the agenda with staff reports (web page will be updated by the end of the day Wednesday prior to the meeting date).
For reasonable accommodations or alternative formats please contact 612-673-3710. People who are deaf or hard of hearing can use a relay service to call 311 at 612-673-3000. TTY users call 612-673-2157 or 612-673-2626.
The LPNA Board of Directors, with the guidance from the LPNA Development Committee, have written a letter of support for the conditional use permits.
Join Hennepin County Library for a free, live, online class, Researching the History of Your Minneapolis Home, on Thursday, June 18, 7-8:30pm. Registration is required in order to receive the Microsoft Teams meeting link, which you can join via web or app.
Learn about the historical resources at the library and across the county that will help you piece together a history of your Minneapolis house, neighborhood or property. Staff from Hennepin County Library’s Special Collections will explain and demonstrate resources, emphasizing online resources that will allow you to jump-start your research from home – including permit records, maps, city directories, photos and more.
The link to the live online presentation (Microsoft Teams) will be emailed to registrants in advance.
June 5th, 2020
The Logan Park Neighborhood Association (LPNA) supports the need for change that protesters, starting with our Black neighbors, are tirelessly working toward. Police brutality and the murder of George Floyd have no place in any community, we recognize a systemic problem that exists in specific communities and will work with and support our neighbors toward change. We stand in solidarity with those working for justice and healing in Minneapolis and beyond.
We request our council member and representatives pursue these concrete short terms steps:
We have heard Black organizers ask for direct donations and direct support.
The LPNA believes the trial might call on Darnella Frazier, the young woman that videotaped the killing of George Floyd and whose testimony and videotaped evidence will play a role in the trial of Mr. Floyd. Ms. Frazier’s efforts exposed a crime of humanity and a system that has permitted racial bias to perpetuate, we offer this support to Ms. Frazier as an involved member of her community and a show of support for the emotional trauma she may encounter. This is a self-determining fund that directly supports Darnella and her family. LPNA contribution: $1000
The LPNA also recognizes the need to support organizations that promote justice for all community members and specifically marginalized ones that encounter individuals hired to protect and serve without brutality or life threatening actions. We encourage and challenge every neighborhood group and resident of our city to align themselves with issues facing our city that have become systemic and no longer tenable as they currently exist. LPNA contribution to Black Visions Collective: $1000
These are merely first steps in pursuit of justice, change and policy. We recognize that anti-racism requires continuous action. LPNA should be a source of advocacy and community, and we recognize now is the time to act, invest and commit to action. LPNA is examining our role in deeply entrenched racism, and we commit ourselves to improving how we serve our community. We must work together to dismantle the systems that have allowed this violence and injustice to occur, and we join the voices calling for equity and justice in Minnesota.
-The Logan Park Neighborhood Association Board
The Logan Park Neighborhood Association Annual Report is now available online for review. We look forward to going over the highlights at our Annual Meeting, Wednesday May 20th, 2020, 7pm via Zoom.
Logan Park Neighborhood Association Annual Report, May 2020 PDF
Performance Pavilion Updates 5.5.2020
Because of planning complications due to Covid-19, we have postponed the construction of our performance pavilion to the Summer of 2021.
We are still accepting feedback from the neighborhood, please email comments to admin@loganparkneighborhood.org.
The Logan Park Neighborhood Association’s Annual Meeting will be held on May 20th, 2020 at 7pm via Zoom.
Zoom link Password: 682919
Meeting ID: 954 1556 7130
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Meeting ID: 954 1556 7130
Password: 682919
La Asociación del Barrio de Logan Park (LPNA) Reunión Anual de Afiliación de Mayo El 20 de mayo de 2020, 7 de la noche, Reunión en línea por Zoom
Agenda: Actualizaciones de Prioridades de Planear, Elecciones del Directorio, Actualizaciones del Barrio
We interview Spark Y’s executive director, Zach Robinson, about Spark Y’s mission of youth empowerment, aquaponics, and tree hugging. Spark Y’s world headquarters are located right here in Logan Park. Part of Spark Y’s programming includes a summer youth internship. This summer, the interns will help construct a timber framed pavilion in Logan Park.
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Proyecto de Pabellón de Logan Park: Participación Comunitaria –
15 de abril, 7 de la noche
Reunión en línea por ZoomLa Asociación del Barrio de Logan Park (Logan Park Neighborhood Association o LPNA en inglés) planea edificar un pabellón de armazón de madero y lugar de funciones en Logan Park este verano.
¡Únete a nosotros el 15 de abril para hacer preguntas y proveer reacciones!
Como parte de nuestro proceso de planear para la priorización del barrio, los proyectos relacionado a los parques se identificaron como una de las áreas de prioridad general. Entonces conducimos una sesión de lluvia de ideas del barrio y solicitamos unas ideas de proyectos específicos por los residentes a través nuestro boletín informativo mensual, lista de correo electrónico, y redes sociales.
Celebramos y se publicó una votación general del barrio en febrero de 2019 aprobando la lista de proyectos. El plan de priorización que se aprobó por la ciudad en julio de 2019. El proceso y el plan final aprobado están disponibles en el sitio web de LPNA.
El pabellón serviría como refugio de picnic además como un escenario para música y otras funciones en el parque. Actualmente, Logan Park no tiene un refugio de picnic. Participantes y espectadores para varias actividades atléticas dentro del parque disfrutarán el pabellón como un lugar sombreado de concurrentes.
LPNA se asignó un mínimo de $35.000 hacia éste proyecto por nuestro fondos del Programa de Revitalización del Barrio (NRP en inglés). LPNA ha recibido un subsidio de $15.000 por People for Parks (Gente para los Parques). LPNA también buscará contribuciones en especie por negocios locales y la biblioteca de herramientas al noreste de Minneapolis para materiales y equipos de alquiler. Residente de LPNA y obrero de armazones de madera, Clark Bremer,
dona su tiempo y pericia en este proyecto. El Laboratorio Juvenil de Acción Spark-Y (Spark-YYouth Action Lab en inglés), basado en Logan Park, se une con nosotros como una actividad de entrenamiento juvenil. Residentes y miembros de la comunidad se animarían a que se ofrezcan como voluntarios durante todo del proyecto a ayudar construir además proveer comida y apoyo a los obreros. El directorio de Parques y Recreación de Minneapolis será responsable para el mantenimiento continuo de la estructura.
Planeamos empezar la preparación del trabajo in situ en la primavera de 2020, con la finalización fijada a finales del verano de 2020.
Visita loganparkneighborhood.org para escuchar el podcast de LPNA en que aparece el líder del proyecto del pabellón, Clark Bremer.
Logan Park Neighborhood Association Board nominations open on Wednesday, April 15th, 2020. Board elections will be held on May 20th, 2020.
If you are interested in running, please email us at admin@loganparkneighborhood.org and tell us why you want to be on the LPNA board!
Logan Park Pavilion Project: Community Engagement— April 15th, 7pm
Online Zoom Meeting
Logan Park Neighborhood Association (LPNA) is planning to build a Timber Framed Pavilion & Performance Space in Logan Park this summer
Join us on April 15th to ask questions and provide feedback!
As part of our neighborhood priority planning process, park-related projects was identified as one of 5 general priority areas. We then conducted a neighborhood brain-storming idea session and solicited specific project ideas from residents through our monthly newsletter, email list and social media.
We held a published general neighborhood vote in February 2019 approving the list of projects. The priority plan was approved by the city in July 2019. The process and the final approved plan are available on the LPNA website.
The pavilion would serve as a picnic shelter as well as a performance stage for music and other performances in the park. Currently, Logan Park does not have a picnic shelter. Participants and spectators for the many athletic activities within the park will enjoy the pavilion as a shady gathering area.
LPNA has committed a minimum of $35,000 towards this project from our NRP funds. LPNA has received a grant of $15,000 from People for Parks. LPNA will also seek in-kind contributions from local businesses and the NE Tool Library for materials and equipment rental. LPNA resident and timber framer, Clark Bremer, is donating his time and expertise to this project. Spark-Y Youth Action Labs (based in Logan Park) is partnering with us as a youth training activity. Residents and community members will be encouraged to volunteer throughout the project to help build as well as provide meals and support for the workers. Minneapolis Parks and Recreation Board will be responsible for the ongoing maintenance of the structure.
We plan to start site work preparation in the spring of 2020, with completion scheduled for late summer 2020.
Visit loganparkneighborhood.org to listen to the LPNA podcast featuring Pavilion project lead, Clark Bremer.
Proyecto de Pabellón de Logan Park: Participación Comunitaria –
15 de abril, 7 de la noche
Reunión en línea por ZoomLa Asociación del Barrio de Logan Park (Logan Park Neighborhood Association o LPNA en inglés) planea edificar un pabellón de armazón de madero y lugar de funciones en Logan Park este verano.
¡Únete a nosotros el 15 de abril para hacer preguntas y proveer reacciones!
Como parte de nuestro proceso de planear para la priorización del barrio, los proyectos relacionado a los parques se identificaron como una de las áreas de prioridad general. Entonces conducimos una sesión de lluvia de ideas del barrio y solicitamos unas ideas de proyectos específicos por los residentes a través nuestro boletín informativo mensual, lista de correo electrónico, y redes sociales.
Celebramos y se publicó una votación general del barrio en febrero de 2019 aprobando la lista de proyectos. El plan de priorización que se aprobó por la ciudad en julio de 2019. El proceso y el plan final aprobado están disponibles en el sitio web de LPNA.
El pabellón serviría como refugio de picnic además como un escenario para música y otras funciones en el parque. Actualmente, Logan Park no tiene un refugio de picnic. Participantes y espectadores para varias actividades atléticas dentro del parque disfrutarán el pabellón como un lugar sombreado de concurrentes.
LPNA se asignó un mínimo de $35.000 hacia éste proyecto por nuestro fondos del Programa de Revitalización del Barrio (NRP en inglés). LPNA ha recibido un subsidio de $15.000 por People for Parks (Gente para los Parques). LPNA también buscará contribuciones en especie por negocios locales y la biblioteca de herramientas al noreste de Minneapolis para materiales y equipos de alquiler. Residente de LPNA y obrero de armazones de madera, Clark Bremer,
dona su tiempo y pericia en este proyecto. El Laboratorio Juvenil de Acción Spark-Y (Spark-YYouth Action Lab en inglés), basado en Logan Park, se une con nosotros como una actividad de entrenamiento juvenil. Residentes y miembros de la comunidad se animarían a que se ofrezcan como voluntarios durante todo del proyecto a ayudar construir además proveer comida y apoyo a los obreros. El directorio de Parques y Recreación de Minneapolis será responsable para el mantenimiento continuo de la estructura.
Planeamos empezar la preparación del trabajo in situ en la primavera de 2020, con la finalización fijada a finales del verano de 2020.
Visita loganparkneighborhood.org para escuchar el podcast de LPNA en que aparece el líder del proyecto del pabellón, Clark Bremer.
Edison High School students, in partnership with Logan Park Neighborhood Association and Sheridan Neighborhood Organization, have created a video promoting the 2020 Census in several languages. Thanks to Edison High School students, Edison teacher David Salzer, and MTN TV Studios for making this video happen!
We interview Logan Park neighbors to find out how they are responding to the #StayHomeMN order, how they are connecting, and how they are finding ways to help the community.
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We here at LPNA acknowledge this is a difficult time for our community and will do our best to continue connecting people digitally.
The Minnesota Department of Health is leading the state and city preparedness and information dissemination. If you have health questions about COVID-19, the Minnesota Department of Health offers a specific COVID-19 hotline: 651-201-3920 (7 a.m. to 7 p.m. CT).
Follow the CDC’s updates on cdc.gov or their social channels (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube).
Looking for information on coronavirus disease 19 in more languages?
The Minnesota Department of Health has translated some of its coronavirus disease 19 (COVID-19) information and materials into several languages. Please share these links with your neighbors, colleagues and connections and help protect our communities:
Logan Park Pavilion Project: Community Engagement—March 18th, 7pm @ Logan Park – Cancelled
Logan Park Neighborhood Association (LPNA) is planning to build a Timber Framed Pavilion & Performance Space in Logan Park. Come to the March 18th meeting to ask questions and provide feedback!
As part of our neighborhood priority planning process, park-related projects was identified as one of 5 general priority areas. We conducted a neighborhood brain-storming idea session and solicited specific project ideas from residents through our monthly newsletter, email list and social media. We held a published general neighborhood vote in February 2019 approving the list of projects. The priority plan was approved by the city in July 2019. The process and the final approved plan are available on the LPNA website.
The pavilion would serve as a picnic shelter as well as a performance stage for music and other performances in the park. Participants and spectators for the many athletic activities within the park will enjoy the pavilion as a shady gathering area. LPNA has committed a minimum of $35,000 towards this project from our NRP funds. LPNA has received a grant of $15,000 from People for Parks. LPNA will also seek in-kind contributions from local businesses and the NE Tool Library for materials and equipment rental.
LPNA resident and timber framer, Clark Bremer, is donating his time and expertise to this project. Spark-Y Youth Action Labs (based in Logan Park) is partnering with us as a youth training activity. Residents and community members will be encouraged to volunteer throughout the project to help build as well as provide meals and support for the workers. Minneapolis Parks and Recreation Board will be responsible for the ongoing maintenance of the structure. We plan to start site work preparation in the spring of 2020, with completion scheduled for late summer 2020. Visit loganparkneighborhood.org to listen to the LPNA podcast featuring Pavilion project lead, Clark Bremer.
Clark Bremer discusses the details of the Performance Pavilion planned for Logan Park in the Summer of 2020, including our partnership with local youth group, Spark-Y.
Podcast: Play in new window | Download
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Nora Poole tells us about services offered at Neighborhood Health Service, located just blocks from Logan Park Neighborhood.
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Elim and Strongtower Churches have pursued temporary funding to take in women and men who are without a place to sleep at night for the next 3 months.
Learn more and find out how you can help at the February 19th LPNA General Meeting @ Logan Park Recreation Center.
Survey Summary
Street safety summary
View full survey comments here.
Original Survey
What are your concerns about Monroe St. NE?
Survey takers were also asked to share if they have witnessed or been part of a safety incident on Monroe?
Survey takers were also asked to share if they had other safety concern for Monroe?
The stories and safety concerns shared by survey participants mostly fell into these categories:
Category | Number of examples |
Accidents: car, bike, pedestrian, property | 26 |
General safety concerns | 24 |
Stop sign concerns: running, rolling stops, not stopping for pedestrians, parking too close to stop signs | 24 |
Traffic: volume and speed | 18 |
Pedestrian safety | 17 |
Bike safety/concerns | 14 |
Parking concerns | 11 |
Sidewalk concerns | 6 |
Minnesota House District 60A Candidate Forum, co-hosted by the the Northeast Minneapolis Arts District, Beltrami Neighborhood Council, Logan Park Neighborhood Association, NE Park Neighborhood Association, St. Anthony East Neighborhood Association, and Sheridan Neighborhood Association, and moderated by Margo Ashmore of the Northeaster newspaper.
Monday, January 13th, 2020
Doors at 5:30pm
Event begins promptly at 6pm and ends at 8pm
Solar Arts Building 3rd Floor
711 15th Ave. NE, Minneapolis, MN 55413