Category Archives: Uncategorized

Temporary Relief Shelter Announcement

Elim and Strongtower Churches have pursued temporary funding to take in women and men who are without a place to sleep at night for the next 3 months.

Learn more and find out how you can help at the February 19th LPNA General Meeting @ Logan Park Recreation Center.


2019 Monroe Street Safety Results

2019 Monroe Street Safety Results

Survey Summary

  • Conducted summer of 2019
  • Surveys were submitted either via paper or google doc
  • Surveys were available in English, Spanish, and Somali 
  • 186 responses

Street safety summary
View full survey comments here.
Original Survey


What are your concerns about Monroe St. NE?

  1. Speeding 51.9%
  2. Danger to pedestrians crossing Monroe 48.7%
  3. Danger to bicyclists 44.9%
  4. Deteriorating Sidewalks 44.4%
  5. Traffic flow/amount 29.9%
  6. Lack of curb/sunken curb 26.2%
  7. Street lighting 23%
  8. Danger to pedestrians walking along Monroe 21.9%
  9. Parking 20.9%
  10. All of the above 10.2%
  11. None of the above 2.7% 
  12. Other: 
    1. Drivers going through stop signs without stopping or only slowing down without a full stop
    2. Rolling stops at stop signs- especially Monroe and 13th
    3. People running stop signs on 13th and 15th
    4. Hard to see stop signs (parking to close stop signs)
    5. Sidewalk is very narrow and should be wider
    6. Lack of buffer between sidewalks and cars
    7. Very narrow sidewalks! Doesn’t feel safe with folks speeding down. But luckily cars parked along the side as a buffer so it feels safer.
    8. Snow shoveling issues in winter. Very narrow this year and buses had trouble turning onto street off of Broadway
    9. allowing parking on the west side of the street. it should be removed
    10. littering
    11. enforcing shoveling in winter
    12. Turning Left onto Broadway going Southbound sometimes takes several green lights during busy time
    13. Railroad bridge lighting
    14. Danger from bike and scooter drivers
    15. Lack of development. Investment in the neighborhood.


Survey takers were also asked to share if they have witnessed or been part of a safety incident on Monroe? 

  • 72 of the 186 please responded with some story of a safety incident

Survey takers were also asked to share if they had other safety concern for Monroe?  

  • 57 of the survey takers had another safety concern 


The stories and safety concerns shared by survey participants mostly fell into these categories:

Category Number of examples
Accidents: car, bike, pedestrian, property 26
General safety concerns 24
Stop sign concerns: running, rolling stops, not stopping for pedestrians, parking too close to stop signs 24
Traffic: volume and speed 18
Pedestrian safety 17
Bike safety/concerns 14
Parking concerns 11
Sidewalk concerns 6


MN House District 60A Candidate Forum

Minnesota House District 60A Candidate Forum, co-hosted by the the Northeast Minneapolis Arts District, Beltrami Neighborhood Council, Logan Park Neighborhood Association, NE Park Neighborhood Association, St. Anthony East Neighborhood Association, and Sheridan Neighborhood Association, and moderated by Margo Ashmore of the Northeaster newspaper.

Monday, January 13th, 2020

Doors at 5:30pm
Event begins promptly at 6pm and ends at 8pm

Solar Arts Building 3rd Floor
711 15th Ave. NE, Minneapolis, MN 55413



Candidate Forum Poster

LPNA Community Meeting Wednesday November 20th, 2019 @ 7pm

LPNA Community Meeting
Wednesday November 20th, 2019 @ 7pm

7:00 Introductions
-Vote on October general meeting minutes
-Recognition of Debra Woodward & Steve Jacobson

7:15 US Census Updates- Lara Schueth, Hennepin County

7:30 Pauline Hoogmoed—COO Crave Catering Events, Quincy Hall
-Project plan details and liquor license application specifics, 10 min
-Q&A session, 10 min
-Community Comment Period & Discussion, 40 mins

Representatives from Crave Catering will join us at our November 20th Community Meeting to meet the neighborhood and answer questions.


Crave Catering has applied for a liquor license to operate an event center for private parties, capable of seating 800 people inside and 50 people on an outside patio.  The original application lists hours from 8am—2am, though the Economic Development & Regulatory Services Committee has moved to change proposed hours of operation for events to close at 11:00 p.m. on weekdays and 12:00 Midnight on weekends, with direction to staff to work with the applicant to determine when traffic control/management may be required at this location.

The final council approval, originally scheduled for October 25th, has been delayed.


Childcare provided.

Logan Park Neighborhood Raingarden Wrap-Up

These raingardens may seem small but their impact on water quality is incredibly important. Below, we have estimated the amount of runoff that each raingarden captures per year, and as a group of 8 raingardens. Take that water quality benefit and multiply it over many years, not to mention the pollinator habitat created by the new native plants. A total of 349 new native perennials and shrubs were planted as a part of this project. The impact is huge and very exciting!

Project Results
Metro Blooms installed 8 raingardens in the Logan Park neighborhood in the summer of 2019.

Total Project square footage: 916 sf
Each raingarden was an average of 114 sf.
Pollution Reduction Calculations per raingarden per year (estimated):
Runoff captured – 14,744 gallons
Total Suspended Solids captured – 6.7 lbs.
Total Phosphorus captured – 0.037 lbs.

Pollution Reduction Calculations for total project per year (estimated);
Runoff captured – 117,952 gallons
Total Suspended Solids captured – 53.5

Sign Up For The LPNA Air Quality Monitor Program!

Purple air quality monitor

LPNA Air Quality Monitor Program

Logan Park Neighborhood Association is looking for up to 6 neighbors interested in hosting a ‘Purple Air’ air quality monitor to monitor the air quality at the local level.  There is no cost to participate.

PurpleAir sensors are easy to install, requiring a power outlet and WiFi.  They use WiFi to report in real time to the PurpleAir Map.

Anyone will be able to access the Purple Air map online and view the readings in our area.

For more information visit:
If interested, contact [email protected]


Notice of Quincy Hall Public Hearing

Notice of Quincy Hall Public Hearing
Purpose: To gather public opinion and solicit comments regarding the application from Quincy Hall for an On Sale Liquor, General Entertainment with Sunday sales license. If approved, they intend to operate an event center for private parties, capable of seating 800 inside and 50 on an outdoor patio.

Date: October 15, 2019
Time: 1:30 p.m. or shortly thereafter
Place: Minneapolis City Hall, Room 317, 350 South 5th Street, Minneapolis, MN 55415

Name : Crave Catering Event Center, LLC
Address: 1325 Quincy Street Northeast, Minneapolis, MN 55413

Current License(s): None
Requested License(s): On Sale Liquor, General Entertainment with Sunday sales
Zoning District: I2/IL
Neighborhood and Ward: Logan Park/1
Hours of Operation: Events will occur from 8:00 a.m. – 2:00 a.m.

Nature of Entertainment: General Entertainment includes all forms of legal entertainment and patron dancing. The applicant intends to provide live musicians, a DJ, and/or dancing during events.

 You are invited to attend, express your opinions, and/or submit such in writing by contacting Inspector Kristina Stichter at 612-673- 2593 or [email protected].

For reasonable accommodations or alternative formats, contact the Licenses and Consumer Services Division at 612-673-2080. People who are deaf or hard of hearing can use a relay service by calling 311 or 612-673-3000. TTY users call 612-673-2157.

Information in Other Languages: Para asistencia 612-673-2700. Rau kev pab 612-673-2800. Hadii aad Caawimaad u baahantahay 612-673-3500.

Logan Park Neighborhood Podcast Episode 2: Bike Safety and Advocacy

In our second LPNA podcast, host Larry Kutzler interviews Tammy Mclemore from Biking Northeast.  Tammy explains some critical aspects of bike safety and discusses her advocacy work for fellow bicyclists. 


Logan Park Neighborhood Podcast Debut


What makes a Neighborhood great?    What does a Neighborhood Association do?   What challenges do Neighborhoods face?

In our very first Logan Park Neighborhood Podcast, LPNA Board Chair, Larry Kutzler, interviews Jack Whitehurst,  City of Minneapolis Neighborhood and Community Relations Department, Neighborhood Specialist.


LPNA Hosting Live Art Project During Open Streets 2019

LPNA is hosting local artist, Brigid Higgins, to create a live chalk installation during Open Streets NE, August 4th, 2019.

Brigid Higgins is a Minneapolis-based multidisciplinary artist. She received her bachelors of arts from the University of Minnesota in 2018, with additional focuses in urban studies and social justice. She completed HECUA’s Art for Social Change program in 2017, and has since remained focused on integrating art into public space and cross-sector disciplines. Brigid’s community art practice considers access to arts education and built environment design, while her studio work primarily explores the intersections of personal identity, mental health, and anatomy. See more of her work at: and




Take the Monroe Street NE Safety Survey!

Monroe Street NE Safety Survey

The LPNA Street Safety Committee is asking neighbors to complete the Monroe Street Safety Survey.  The results will be shared with the City of Minneapolis in order to facilitate safety improvements on Monroe Street. Survey participants will be entered in a drawing for a $50 gift card.

Logan Park Neighborhood Associations’ recent safety improvements include “Slow” signs in the alleyways and partnering with the City to install ADA compliant ramps at the intersections of Monroe and 13th &15th.

Please help us continue to improve safety in Logan Park neighborhood by completing the survey.


Encuentra de seguridad de la calle Monroe NE

El comité de la Asociación de Vecindario de Logan Park (LPNA) está pidiendo a los vecinos que completen la Encuesta de Seguridad de la Calle Monroe. Los resultados se compartirán con la Ciudad de Minneapolis para proporcionar mejoras en la seguridad de la calle Monroe. Los participantes de la encuesta ingresarán en un sorteo de una tarjeta de regalo de $50.

Las recientes mejoras de seguridad en el vecindario Logan Park incluyen señales de “Despacio” en los callejones y también la asociación con la ciudad de Minneapolis para instalar rampas para sillas de ruedas en las intersecciones 13 y 15 de la calle Monroe.

Ayúdenos, por favor, a seguir mejorando la seguridad en el vecindario de Logan Park completando la siguiente encuesta.


Sahanka Badbaadada Monroe Street NE

Guddiga Badbaadada Wadada LPNA wuxuu weydiinayaa dariska inay dhameystiraan Sahanka Badbaadada Wadada Monroe.  Natiijooyinka waxaa lala wadaagayaa Caasimada Minneapolis si markaas loo fududeeyo hormarinada badbaadada ee Wadada Monroe. Ka qeybqaatayaasha sahanka waxaa la gelinayaa sawirka oo kaarka hadiyada $50.

Ururada Xaafada Darjiinka Logan’ hormarinada badbaadada hadeer waxaa ku jiro aastaamaha “Tartiib” ee wadooyinka qalooca oo la kaashanayo Caasimada si loo geliyo Caasimada ee taagaga cabashada ADA ee isgoysyada Monroe iyo 13ka &15ka.

Fadlan nagu caawi joogteynta lagu hormarinayo badbaadada xaafada Darjiinka Logan iyada oo la dhameystirayo sahanka.




Board Member Paula Allan Honored by the City of Minneapolis

Paula Allan Honored by the City of Minneapolis

Long time Board Member, Paula Allan, received an award from the City of Minneapolis for her many years of service to Logan Park Neighborhood Association and her cheerful and tireless dedication to her neighbors, her community, and her city.















Paula Allan receiving an award from Councilmember Kevin Reich

Free Tax Help from Prepare + Propser

Get your taxes done right and claim your maximum refund! There are IRS-certified volunteers ready to help you file your taxes at over 200 free tax sites across Minnesota. The Claim it! campaign can help you locate a free tax site and see if you’re eligible to claim tax credits:

Combining the power of caring volunteers, training, and expert advice, Prepare + Prosper (P+P) makes financial wellness easier.  P+P is a local nonprofit organization that provides free tax preparation and financial services, coaching, and products to individuals and families. IRS-certified volunteers will get you the maximum refund this tax season (January 26 – April 15). They are based in St. Paul year-round and operate nine free tax sites. for list of locations, eligibility requirements, and what to bring.

Mpls transportation plan 2040

The City is updating its Transportation Action Plan

The City of Minneapolis is updating its Transportation Action Plan, which will replace Access Minneapolis in full (developed 2007-2011). When complete, the Transportation Action Plan will guide transportation actions for the City and its partners over the next 10 years to realize the vision and policies in the Minneapolis 2040 Comprehensive Plan. Goals for the Transportation Action Plan include climatesafetyequityprosperitymobility, and active partnerships. The plan will explore in depth a broad range of topics to support the goals, including:

  • Advanced mobility: Technology is changing the way we travel. The advanced mobility topic will explore how we can integrate technology and new options to reach our transportation goals. Scooters, shared bicycles, and electric vehicles are examples of new mobility options.
  • Pedestrian: The plan will identify actions to make it easier, safer, and more comfortable for people to get around.
  • Bicycle: With an emphasis on establishing a low stress bikeway network for all ages and abilities, we will develop strategies to make biking a choice for more people, as well as improving safety and comfort for those who ride.
  • Transit: A quarter-million transit trips begin, end or travel through Minneapolis each weekday. Transit is a critical part of the city’s transportation network. The transit topic will outline strategies and actions to support a reliable, convenient and comfortable public transit network as part of a broad effort to reach our transportation and climate change goals.
  • Freight: The freight topic will focus on how packages are delivered to people and businesses every day in our city. We will develop strategies and actions to improve the sustainable and efficient movement of freight to, from and through Minneapolis.
  • Street Operations: Our streets need to function efficiently for everyone who travels. The street operations topic will further define how the City’s Complete Streets Policy, commitment to Vision Zero, and climate action goals come together into daily operations and system planning. It will provide a framework for evaluating competing demands within limited street space; achieving this balance will take a comprehensive, people first approach.
  • Street Design: The new street design guide will emphasize the many ways our streets serve people. Streets are important public spaces where we live, travel, shop, wait for the bus, or just hang out every day. We aim to design, build, and maintain streets that are safe, functional, and support the movement of people and goods throughout the city.

Provide your input and feedback on our interactive website 
Check out the new Minneapolis Transportation Action Plan website to learn more and provide feedback.

Use #gompls to talk transportation  and follow the City of Minneapolis on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram.

When It Snows, Shovel Your Sidewalk

Sidewalks are a critical part of Minneapolis’ transportation system and they should be open for everyone. With the snow season upon us, here’s a refresher on the City’s rules. Minneapolis ordinance requires property owners of houses and duplexes to clear sidewalks within 24 hours after a snowfall and all other property owners must clear their sidewalks within four daytime hours.

Clearing snow and ice from sidewalks helps people of all ages and abilities safely walk or roll to where they need to go. This is a primary mode of transportation for many people in the city so it’s important to be a good neighbor and help them out.

In addition to relying on complaints reported to 311, this season City inspectors will also be out in neighborhoods actively looking for sidewalks that aren’t shoveled. Failure to shovel and maintain your sidewalk could result in a warning letter and, if left uncleared, a bill for the City to remove snow from your sidewalk. An average bill is approximately $150.

People should call 311 to learn more about resources available to people who may need help clearing their sidewalks. Several nonprofit organizations are ready to provide for-hire services or provide help when the snow falls.

Snow shoveling videos

Informative videos in English, Spanish, Somali and Hmong are available online to help explain what property owners need to do when it snows. Find more information at